Working with resourceboxes (rooms)!
I have some questions regarding resourceboxes, so called rooms.
They are now in an Exchange 2003 environment and shall be migrated to Exchange Server 2007 next week along with the rest of the user mailboxes.
Here are some questions:
1. When they now are located at the E2k3 servers, they are like regular mailboxes but they have disabled useraccounts. Is that best practice?
2. When migrating these resourcemailboxes, shall they first be enabled and let it get replicated (only 2 DC/GC) or is it instant?
3. If i migrate the rooms as they are, can users in both environments (e2k3 and e2k7) access them?
4. After I have migated them, I suppose I shall stample them as -type room.
5. When stampling them as rooms, they get a new icon, but can everyone read/write to em? Does the room stample involve any new permissions on the box?
6. Is the following correct: enable the user accounts of the boxes > wait for replication > migrate the boxes > wait for replication > stample them as -type room.
The big issue is that users thathaven'tmeed migrated also need to access the boxes, so will it work or must all be migrated att the same time? (big bang).
September 30th, 2009 2:37pm
Hi there, 1. Yes it is a best practice.2. No need to enable the associated AD accounts.3. Yes, users in both environments will still be able to see the free/busy info.4. Correct. You have to.5. By default Yes. Yet, you can setup additional permissions with the help of powershell.6. Same as 2.This article is likely to answer every query you have about this. more details you can also go through: Naphade | MCTS:M |
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September 30th, 2009 9:01pm
Thank you!ftornell
October 1st, 2009 9:37am
Some thing more about Managing Resource Mailboxes in EX2007
Managing Resource Mailboxes in Exchange Server 2007 (Part 1) Vinod
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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October 1st, 2009 12:24pm