Helo Guys,
How can I get / change this settings (X-Auto-Response-Suppress DR, OOF, AutoReply)?
I see this from email header of an email sent to a DL. This setting looks suppressed OOO / auto reply message.
Technology Tips and News
Helo Guys,
How can I get / change this settings (X-Auto-Response-Suppress DR, OOF, AutoReply)?
I see this from email header of an email sent to a DL. This setting looks suppressed OOO / auto reply message.
Hi ,
Could you please explain me little bit brief about your requirement ?
Helo Nithyanandham,
I need to disable the suppression of DR, OOF and AutoReply when sending to a DL. This settings is currently enabled but, I don't know where I can disabled it.
When I send to a DL with members that OOO is enabled I'm not getting the auto reply.
Hi ,
Use the below mentioned command to enable the delivery report and OOF for the below mentioned DL .
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity "test" -ReportToOriginatorEnabled $true -SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled $true
Use the below mentioned command to disable the delivery report and OOF for the below mentioned DL .
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity "test" -ReportToOriginatorEnabled $false -SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled $false