X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL: -1
Hi Guys!
my Exchange 2007 rejects messages from a specific domain the are not listetd in Agent Log and I can't find them with Message Tracking. Our customer sent the error message gernerated form his exchange to us. It says that our mailserver rejected
the mail because of spam!
His mails where rated with a SCL of -1, the thing is that ms rates SCL and PCL from 0 to 9, what does -1 mean?
Maybe Supersure that is no SPAM.
..next time we eat bacon
September 22nd, 2011 8:39am
SCL scores range from 0-9 with 0 meaning not likely to be spam, and 9 meaning very likely to be spam. There is also a -1 score for trusted email messages. A -1 SCL would apply to email messages sent between recipients of the same Exchange organization,
or messages from external senders that have been whitelisted in some way.
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September 22nd, 2011 9:46am