I am doing the following to convert a xls file to csv file:
$tmp = C:\programdata\download.xls $objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application if ((test-path $tmp) -and ($tmp -match ".xl\w*$")) { $path = (resolve-path -Path $tmp).path $savePath = $tmp -replace ".xl\w*$",".csv" if(Test-path $savePath) { Remove-Item -Path $savePath -Force | Out-Null } $objworkbook=$objExcel.Workbooks.Open($tmp) $objworkbook.SaveAs($savePath,6) # 6 is the code for .CSV $objworkbook.Close($false) }
Doing this normal via powershell it works fine
But if I use a schedule Task using
powershell.exe -file C:\data\myscript.ps1 -executionpolicy Unrestricted
the csv is not created.
I already tried I have write rights to the folder and the script is started correctly.
Any idea why this could fail?
By printing out $objExcel > $env:APPDATA\objExcel.txt I get a txt with type of $objExcel
By printing out $objworkbook > $env:APPDATA\objWorkbook.txt I get only an empty objWorkbook.txt :-(
Could this be a problem?
Thank you for help