access 2003
Set this database up with the help of a programmer in 2001, then in 2005 I left this position for 2 years. While I was not working here the database was alter and I am having trouble setting the forms and request for data that I need to display. The form is for registration of student in our programs. A form is "Table.Enrollment Table" to add a course # and information into the database. Under the Enrollment Table viewing design the first line Field Name "Course Key" Data Type "Number" w/Lookup : Display Control " Combo Box" ; Row Source Type "Table/Query"; Row Source "Course Schedule Table" which is where the course Key Symbol is indicated and where the assignment of course key numbers are assigned. But when I view to datasheet the course Key numbers do not show; only and a dropped down arrow and when I look at that data the course number and title are there but not the course KEY # that the student has been assigned to or the title. I have known one here that can help me change the data entry to show what I need.
I wait for your reply,
November 6th, 2007 7:21pm