account used for replies in outlook 2003
We have an exchange server in-house that handles our internal emails and sends mail out. We have another mail server that we access with POP3 to receive outside mail. These two accounts are listed in my setup. The exchange account is the default so that when I create a new email it is sent out throught the exchange account and all is good. However, on any emails that have been received from outside through the POP3 account, the replies always default to going out through the external POP3 server - where they are rejected. I have to remember to switch the account used on all my repliesto emails from outside. Is there a setting somewhere that will make Outlook always send replies through the default account. This used to work, but somehow it got changed when I was making modifications to the setup but I don't know what I did....
January 13th, 2007 2:28am

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