active cas server connections
we have an exchange 2010 environment and due to changes in the business we have outsourced our exchange system. the way this was done was a connection was set up to our domain and exchange servers were added to our environment while the mailboxes were migrated.
when it was inhouse it was
1xcas server
1xmailbox server
when it has been outsourced they have set it up sightly different with some load balencing.
the majority of our users have had their outlooks redirected to point to the new load balencing server but i have some users are still connecting to the inhouse cas server. when i switched of the inhouse cas server a number of users rang saying their
outlook had dropped. restarting the server fixed the issue but i am in the process of decomissioning the servers which are still in house.
is there any type of powershell script i can run which will tell me what cas server my outlook clients connect to. something i can run on the cas server that will tell me all the users connected to that cas server?
May 8th, 2012 6:12am
The best thing I can suggest is use:
Get-LogonStatistics | Where{$_.ClientName <OldCAS>}
If you have a large number of users, you can use the -Server switch to select a specific mailbox server. You also need to see why the clients are looking to your old CAS, it seems AutoDiscover is still pointing to your internal server. Since
everything is hosted offsite, you need to change your SCP and Autodiscover to point to the new CAS (or array) of the hosted company.
Also, run:
Get-ClientAccessServer | FL Name,AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri
This will show you your AD SCP record for the AutoDiscover service. If this is not changed to the hosted sites CAS, then clients retrieving the autodiscover information from AD will always try to go to your old server.
Also check your AutoDiscover DNS record and make sure is is pointing to your hosted environment. is the record.
You can look at the outlook client to see what it is doing and where it is going. Launch Outlook, hold Ctrl down and right click the icon in the systray, then click Test E-Mail AUto Configuration. Type the email address in of the user that you
are troubleshooting, uncheck both guesssmart boxes and click test. You should see Outlook try to get SCP record, then by domain name, then by autodiscover DNS record. Verify that all of the information retrieved is correct. If it is not,
change the setting for the particular service that is incorrect.
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May 8th, 2012 9:20am
thanks for the advice.
i ran the little right click on the outlook icon and did test connection. on a couple of users (whos mail profiles are set to the new cas array) it showed mail connecting to the new cas array but also showed mail connecting to the old cas server?
is there anyway i can get a little deeper and see it is actually accessing via the old cas server?
May 8th, 2012 10:52am
Well, you can use the Ctrl Right click, and select Connection Status to see what servers the client is actively connecting to. Remember, if all servers are a part of the same domain and the database the user is on is not part of the same CAS Array,
then Outlook automatically redirects to the preferred server.
Find out what DB the user mailbox is on and run:
Get-MailBoxDatabase <DB> | FL RpcClientAccessServer
If this value is something other than the VIP the hosting company uses for their client access array, then the user will be redirected somewhere else.
Do you mind posting the results of the Outlook E-mail Auto Configuration and the Connection Status, then post the name of your old CAS box and the new CAS Array? Blindly throwing out suggestions doesn't always help troubleshooting.
As far as your last question, you need to run the command I posted previously, it will list out all user mailboxes that are connecting to your old CAS if you replace <oldCAS0 with the actual server name of your old CAS server.
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May 8th, 2012 11:40am
You mentioned "outlooks redirected to point to the new load balencing server" how did you actually perform this did you re-profile the Outlook users or you just updated DNS?James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL
May 8th, 2012 1:45pm
I understand that new CAS server was added to your domian, is that right?
Then please try to update the internalurl for autodiscover and
RPCclientaccess settings on database.
Please run test e-mail Autoconfiguration and then post the result of Log tab
By the way, how many Exchange Servers in the environment?
Xiu Zhang
TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 9th, 2012 2:36am
May 9th, 2012 6:56am