Hi Sikdar,
Read this artcle to know more about Monitoring Active Directory
Q"command for total number of users count active in active directory."
A. Use powershell or the other links
#Count all user accounts in AD get-aduser -filter * | measure-object | select-object count #Count Inactive User accounts: Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive | Measure-Object | Select-Object count
Getting the number of user accounts in Active Directory
The above given command looks good to resolve your concern.
Apart from manual steps, you may also consider on Lepide health monitoring tool that is an automated solution and helps to keep a constant eye on Health Status of Active Directory and get notified instantly via customized email notification.
I would ask this in Directory Service forum for further information...
As Exchange Admin you can use the tools below to make sure your AD is healthy so the Exchange would be run smoothly
- Verify the DC replication, by running CMD:
repadmin /showrepl
- Diagnose your DC health, by running CMD:
- If you have any Domain trust you can check it by rum CMD:
nltest.exe /server:fourthcoffee-dc-01 /sc_query:fourthcoffee
nltest /domain_trusts
- Run Active Directory best practice analyzer