add birthday/anniversary reminders in bulk

Hi all,

How to add birthday/anniversary reminders in bulk to Outlook 2010/

July 21st, 2014 9:28pm


To change the reminders on multiple items at once, we can do the following:

1. Switch the View to List from View tab -> Change View -> List.

2. Right click on the row of field names and choose "Field Chooser".

3. In Field Chooser, select "Date/Time fields", drag "Remind Beforehand" to the row of field.

4. Right click on the "Remind Beforehand" field, then click "Group By This Field".

5. Then we can drag the items from one group to another, then the Reminder Time will also change to the time that matches the group.

This is a quick way to change the Reminder Time in Outlook Calendar items, but if you only want to do this to birthday/anniversary reminders, you may need to use the Filter in View to find out these events first.

We can also learn from this article below:

Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

If I misunderstood anything or you need more information, please feel free to let me know.


Melon Chen
TechNet Community Support

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July 23rd, 2014 5:16am

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