authenticate from OWA with the external domain
Dear All,
I have exchange 2007 sp1, i need to login from OWA useing my public domain ( i can only login with the internal domain( user@mydomain.local) , any one can help
August 18th, 2008 10:34pm
I am pretty sure that what Exchange 2007 supports is logging on with the user's UPN name, which frequently is different than their e-mail address. You first need to set up a UPN name suffix that matches your public SMTP. You do this on the properties of the Active Directory Domains and Trusts console.
After you have created a new domain suffix for, n Active Directory Users and Computers, locate one of the users that want to logon with their e-mail address and change their UPN logon name to match their e-mail address. See if that fixes the issue.
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August 19th, 2008 3:46am
Thanks a lot Jim , it works fine
August 19th, 2008 12:22pm