automatically accept meeting requests and process cancellations - automated removal.
Does anyone know a method to automagicly remove this setting? I have about a thousand "resource" calenders and rooms, and the thought of creating profiles for each of these within outlook and un-ticking that box, is a bit unsettling. Background: we are migraeing these to 2007 resources, and having this setting ticked causes issues.
January 21st, 2010 9:14pm
Once you have them converted to 2007 resources, you can script those settings.
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January 21st, 2010 9:21pm
From the settings I see within get-mailboxcalendarsettings, I dont see one that matches up. You know what one it is?
January 21st, 2010 9:32pm
set-mailboxcalendarsettings <mailboxname> -automateprocessing NoneYour options for automateprocessing are AutoUpdate, AutoAccept, and None. "None" disables automatic processing of appointment requests.
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January 21st, 2010 9:52pm
That does not affect the setting boxes in question, try it yourself.Create a standard mailbox, open In OL and add the check for automatically accept meeting requests....set-mailbox -type roomset-mailboxcalendarsettings -automateprocessing NoneOpen again in OL, box still checked.
EDIT: Ok maybe im missing something, setting wise for -automateprocessing I see:None: Both the resource booking and calendar attendants are disabled.AutoUpdate: Only the calendar attendant is enabled.AutoAccept: Both the resource booking and calendar attendants are enabled.Does AutoUpdate effectly turn off resource booking so we dont even have to change that setting?
January 21st, 2010 10:22pm
Is that an Outlook setting, or a mailbox setting? Does it automatically accecpt the meeting requests if Outlook is not running with that mailbox open?
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January 21st, 2010 10:42pm
It's an outlook setting, that's modified here: Outlook - tools->options->Calendar Options->Resource Scheduling->automatically accept meeting requests- ON/OFFWith just the "automatically accept meeting requests" being ON/OFF will allow you to book. The only extenuating circumstance is if you have direct book rights as well (folder permission Editor or higher) that will allow you to bookwith the AAMR setting in either of the positions. Here's the MalboxCalendarSettings:AutomateProcessing : AutoAcceptAllowConflicts : FalseBookingWindowInDays : 180MaximumDurationInMinutes : 144000AllowRecurringMeetings : TrueEnforceSchedulingHorizon : TrueScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : FalseConflictPercentageAllowed : 0MaximumConflictInstances : 1ForwardRequestsToDelegates : TrueDeleteAttachments : FalseDeleteComments : FalseRemovePrivateProperty : TrueDeleteSubject : FalseDisableReminders : TrueAddOrganizerToSubject : TrueDeleteNonCalendarItems : FalseTentativePendingApproval : TrueEnableResponseDetails : TrueOrganizerInfo : TrueResourceDelegates : {}RequestOutOfPolicy :AllRequestOutOfPolicy : FalseBookInPolicy : {dom/resources/Test2acct2}AllBookInPolicy : FalseRequestInPolicy :AllRequestInPolicy : TrueAddAdditionalResponse : FalseAdditionalResponse : <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Tahoma></FONT></DIV>RemoveOldMeetingMessages : TrueAddNewRequestsTentatively : FalseProcessExternalMeetingMessages : FalseDefaultReminderTime : 15RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : FalseIdentity : DOM/resources/0001-Resource4Extra info: All of our resources were direct book, and will need to be going forward as well, it seems to function either way with the AAMR set to off. This allows those that need to direct book and direct view to do that.
January 21st, 2010 11:56pm
Since it's an Outlook setting, and you're letting the users direct book, there's nothing you can do on the server side to prevent this. The only suggestion I have is to look at using Group Policy to disable their ability to enable that setting in Outlook.
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January 22nd, 2010 12:03am
It seems that setting is on the server within the mailbox, as it will follow you around from account to account and PC to PC.(no end user opens a resource directly, the just have editor and below rights) I did see a KB that talked about the Registry setting for E2k, but that doesn't seem to apply here. (or at least I'm not seeing how it does)Id really like to hear how others overcame this, as I'm sure organizations had reviewer rights on resources and then migrated.Anyone else have any ideas that will save me from 25click per account x 1089?
January 22nd, 2010 12:21am
Reviewer rights shouldn't be a problem. Having users with direct book (editor) rights means they are in contention with the autoaccept processing on the server, and there is no arbitration process.
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January 22nd, 2010 12:27am
Actually reviewer rights (and below) are where we see the permission errors with AAMR setting ON. Editors are unaffected.
January 22nd, 2010 12:41am
My bad, I guess. The only detail provided was that it was "causing issues" I assumed that meant scheduling conflicts. What kind of "permission errors" are you getting, and where are you getting them?
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January 22nd, 2010 12:44am
Ive seen two:No folder permissions at all:"The operation failed. An object could not be found. Unable to directly book a resource for this meeting."Reviewer permissions:You marked "0001-resource4" as a resource, You cannot schedule a meeting with "0001-resource4" because you do not have the appropriate permissions for that account. Either the name is required or optional attendee or talk to your administrator about give you permission to schedule "0001-resource4"
January 22nd, 2010 1:36am
They're trying to direct-book it as a resource. For the server-side automatic processing to work, they need to invite it as an attendee.
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January 22nd, 2010 2:03am
Your correct, BUT, with the AAMR off it works as intended.Basically, we need to account for the mismatch in rights, direct booking-wise, reviewer rights are not enough to book, but in this scenario, the user also has BookinPolicy rights which will allow them to send a request, but not to physically right-click the open calender and book.With the AAMR setting OFF, the user can open the Calendar directly (but not book directly), and book via a meeting request via book inPolicy.With the AAMR setting ON, the user can open the Calendar directly (but not book directly), but they error on ANY request, New Appt or New meeting request. The AAMR setting cancels out the BookinPolicy setting.Unfortunately, this thread is starting to go off course, I appreciate your help, but I understand why these errors popup. I want to know of a automated way to remove the AAMR setting. Retraining the staff to book differently, or changing the way the resources work is not something we can do. (right now)
January 22nd, 2010 5:26pm
OK. One more question. Are the users opening these calendars as "Other User's Folder", or do they have their Outlook profile configured with those resources as additional mailboxes?
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January 22nd, 2010 5:38pm
Neither, if they need to open the calendar directly, its: OL->Calender-> Open a shared Calendar,->Name->Pick room name from Gal
January 28th, 2010 8:14pm