hi. this current Exchange 2013 i am now managing have been handed over to me years ago. the receive connectors have been the same thru all upgrades ever since Exchange 2000.
the receive connectors (there are 4 of them; all of having role of "FrontEndTransport"), in the security tab, almost all the authentication boxes are ticked (normal?). in the scoping tab, well only one of four connectors have my servers VLAN in there. the rest have - which i think should not be.
now to test for relaying, internally i used telnet and the mail from using the domain xxx.com which it accepted. so i guess there is no authentication going on before sending an email.
question is, what really should be configured in the security and scope tab of this receive connectors so that my servers/applications can send emails, Outlook users can send/receive internally and from outside?