can't send email via exchange 2003 server
Hi guys
In my work please we use school program and every client need to send email.
We have exchange 2003 , so client was able to send email to anyone via exchange 2003 server with our domain ( of course I have already set it up before ) .
Anyway recently we can't send email via exchange 2003, I checked all setting , it seems everything is ok . I used outlook 2007 , no luck, I used telnet no luck. But the strange things when I create .txt file like below
Subject: testing
This is the test message body.
and drop this text file in X:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\PickUp , it works.
Could you please give me any idea why I can't used when I use outlook or telnet .
May 10th, 2012 4:06pm
How about message tracking log say? Message tracking log:
Since you have test telnet, what's the result? Please post.
hope can help you
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May 14th, 2012 4:35am