cannot access other hard drive's documents
ok heres the deal. My cousin gave me a computer he wasnt using. it broke down.ibought myself anotherfulltower,andputmyharddriveintoit.itriedtoinstalldriversforthehardware,butthecomputershutdownandwouldntexactlybootupagain. i got a free computer from school when they were replacing all of their old computers. it worked fine with the hard drive, but wasveryslow. i then got a new version of windows a week ago or so, and since then installed windows on the hard drive i got with the computer i got (not the school one, not my cousins, but the one i paid for) and it has been working perfectly. i just tried to get the other hard drives into this computer to get my music and other files from them onto this computer. success. EXCEPT i cant get the documents over from the other hard drives. i get the 'Access Denied' error when i try to access it. I have looked for solutions, but the ones i found and tried and failed at said:"In Windows Explorer, go to <Drive Letter>:\Documents and Settings and right click on the username folder. Select Properties, Security, Advanced and then the Owner Tab. Change owner to the username that you're logged in as and also check Replace owner on suncontainers and objects. You should now have access to your files."idontevenhaveanythingthatsays'security'!howcaniaccessthesefiles!!!
December 16th, 2007 4:55pm
You might have better luck posting this on a Windows XP forum. Nobody here but us Exchange geeks.
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December 18th, 2007 3:23am