cannot flush Exchange logs

I wonder if you can help.
We have Exchange 2013 running on Windows server 2012
The server has been installed and running ok for 6 months.
However we've noticed that the Exchange logs have not been flushed during the backup.
Yosemite server backup is installed. The issue has been logged with Yosemite support but they believe it is an Exchange issue.
I have installed Windows Server backup and run a full backup but that has also not truncated the logs.
The Exchange database and logs are installed on the c: drive.
Any help you could offer would be appreciated.
Many thanks,


July 15th, 2014 10:27am

There are a number of Exchange errors in the app log which I have copied below.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        ESE
Date:          15/07/2014 14:09:54
Event ID:      440
Task Category: Logging/Recovery
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      AYCEX01.AYC.local
eseutil (167740) JetDBUtilities - 85204: The log file \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy14\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Mailbox\Mailbox Database 0913521266\E0000001E2B.log is damaged, invalid, or inaccessible (error -1022) and cannot be used. If this log file is required for recovery, a good copy of the log file will be needed for recovery to complete successfully.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        ESE
Date:          15/07/2014 14:09:54
Event ID:      481
Task Category: General
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      AYCEX01.AYC.local
eseutil (167740) JetDBUtilities - 85204: An attempt to read from the file "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy14\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Mailbox\Mailbox Database 0913521266\E0000001E2B.log" at offset 4096 (0x0000000000001000) for 4096 (0x00001000) bytes failed after 0.000 seconds with system error 21 (0x00000015): "The device is not ready. ".  The read operation will fail with error -1022 (0xfffffc02).  If this error persists then the file may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup.

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July 15th, 2014 10:31am


Scan your disk for errors and try restoring all damaged files from valid backup. It looks that log/database files are damaged and backup (and log truncation) process cannot be completed.

July 15th, 2014 5:05pm


I recommend that you check to make sure the drive for the Exchange database files is accessible and that the path for the files is specified correctly.

If it is, run "chkdsk /f /r".If chkdsk does not resolve the issue, examine the permissions on the Exchsrvr folder structure. Make sure that SYSTEM has full control of Exchsrvr and all subfolders on each partition that contain Exchange data.

If the issue persist, troubleshoot any Windows NT file-level antivirus software running on the Exchange server. Check the system log for I/O or drive errors near the time of the 413 Event.

Hope this helps!


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July 16th, 2014 2:44am

Hi Niko and Robert,

thanks for your replies. I've run chkdsk c: which did not show any errors. I can't run a restore as the logs have not been truncated since we installed so I assume as restore would not resolve.

The database is fairly small 20gb + 36 gb logs.

I plan to create a new database on the d: drive and moved users over to it which I hope will resolved the issue.



July 16th, 2014 5:02am

What if you enable 'circular logging' as a workaround, does the logs truncate then?

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July 16th, 2014 5:47am

Hi Inderjit,

thanks for your suggestion. I enabled circular logging and yes it did truncate the logs. I've now created a new database and moved all the mailboxes to it and will test the full backup again tonight.


July 17th, 2014 5:01am

I've now moved users to the new database and run a backup on it which truncated the logs. Many thanks for your help with this.

I've moved all the users but there are various system mailboxes left. I'd like to dismount the old database. Can you tell me if I should move them to the new database?

There are 2 named "Microsoft Exchange", others are "MS exchange approval assistant" "ms exchange federation mailbox" and "ms exchange migration".



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July 18th, 2014 5:50am

This command will show you the list of system mailboxes 

Get-Mailbox -Database "MailboxDatabase_old" -Arbitration

This command will move the system mailboxes to the new database

Get-Mailbox -Database "MailboxDatabase_old" -Arbitration | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "MailboxDatabase_new"

This will show you the public folder mailboxes in that database

get-mailbox -Database "MailboxDatabase_old" -PublicFolder

This will move public folder mailboxes if it exists in that database

Get-Mailbox -Database "MailboxDatabase_old" -PublicFolder | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "MailboxDatabase_new"

After this you can dismount

July 18th, 2014 7:55am

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