Powerpoint is my daily tool to provide technical support to your sales force. Howerver our company ask us (Marketing department) to find a way for sharing and protect our critical business data.
how do we use microsoft powerpoint?
knowing that presentation are provided by - many people - from different places - with diffrent languages - at different times
we decided to manage the contents in "Chains of pptx presentations" in order to divide the workload and to allow any salesman to show our range of products and technologies to his customers.
What has been done :
- we split our presentations by topics, (example: a presentation about recycling)
- After that, We hierarchicaly-organised topics so as to follow a logical progression when a salesman show our products. But also to directly reach a specific topic (example : recycling)
- then, we linked every single presentation in order to play inside
- the menu presentation (1 slide in 1 presentation) is in kiosk mode, so we navigate through pesentation by clicking on buttons
How to share & protect contents?
We tested several DLP or DRM solution without ever fulfill our needs;
Yet some solutions appears to match our goals: But have a delay anytime we go through another presentation when we change of topic: because the protection device checks the file at its opening
Our basic requirements : forbidding the sharing of protected files and working smoothly with chains of PPT presentations.
I'm looking for a Skydrive like soluton in order to share & update presentations in a single folder with the possibility to forbid salesman the sharing of protected files to the customer.
Any experience or ideas ?
Thanks in advance for your help.