configuring Exchange server Public IP
Presently in my office, Exchange fetches the mail form a third party mail hosted server and distributes among users. I want to change the configuration of exchange to send / receive mails directly to / from our exchange server hosted in our office. We have
the following:
1- Exchange 2007 installed server
2- Domain name, say
3- One public static IP address and internet leased line 1 Mbps.
4- Windows 2008 Domain Controller
Please describe the setup of the same step-by-step since I am quite new to Exchange 2007. Your help is highly appreciated,
Best regards,
July 4th, 2011 5:38pm
Its suggest to have a anti-spam gateway if you point it directly to exchange then you won't have any gateway to scan mail & if that not required then you gave to changed the MX record which right now will to pointing to that 3rd party mail hosted
server, point that MX to you exchange public IP & for out going there will a send connector pointing to 3rd party host server remove that or point that to internet, have a look into this article for that :
Do let us know in case more info is required.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging | MCC
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July 5th, 2011 12:59am
You also need to modify the send connector configuration. Now the send connector is setting as “Route mail through the following smart hosts”. You need
to ticket this option “Use domain name system (DNS) ”MX” record to route mail automatically”
For the security reason, I suggest you use ISA 2006 to publish Exchange server. ISA 2006 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 are designed to work closely together.
Publishing Exchange Server 2007 with ISA Server 2006
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July 6th, 2011 5:54am
Hi Violetdot,
Did you finish the migration?
The document that i posted with the detailed processes.
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July 13th, 2011 5:12am