connectivity problem between MAILBOX-role and HUB-role
I have installed a lab with the following servers:Domain and forest with functional level 2008:DC (on a srv2008)Exchange2007SP1:CAS (on a srv2008)HUB (on a srv2008)MAILBOX (on a srv2008)Client:vistaSP1+outlook2007SP1The problem is that when my test user wants to send an email (no matter where, even internally) the mail would be shown in SENT items but never case of sending the email via OWA the email reamins in DRAFT folder.As soon as I install the HUB role additionaly on MAILBOX server the user can send and recieve email (or if I insall the mailbox role additionaly on hub server and move the user mailbox to this new database, the user can send and receive email)it sounds that my mailbox role cannot communicate with hub role. any idea?* the servers have full TCP/IP connectivity with each other(firewall is also disabled on all machines)* in QUEUE viewer there is no track of the stucked emails* in Message Tracking there is no log for the stucked emails* The site settings are ok, i checked additionally with ADSI and all the servers are having same attribute for site membership.regards,mt
April 8th, 2009 3:33pm
Do you have a send connector configured for the organization?Is Exchange installed on just one server with all roles or is it broken apart? What happens if you test your SMTP Traffic from the client to the Hub: you ping the FQDN, can you ping just the netbios name of the hub transport server?Is the Firewall on? Where are you delivering to? Another mail account on the 07 server? BP
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April 8th, 2009 5:44pm
* I have a send connector, however the problem happens even for internal messages.* exchange is installed on 3 different servers: 1. CAS 2.HUB 3. MAILBOX and as I mentioned before the problem wont happen when I install on MAILBOX additionally the HUB role.* the smtp connection is ok* yes ping works and there is full tcp/ip connectivity between servers and client* the firewall is off* i tested for sending an email from testUser to testUser.I think the general config of lab is ok, since I can send and receive emails when I install the HUB role on MAILBOX. But by having a single MAILBOX role and HUB role on a seprate server the probelm occurs.
April 8th, 2009 7:09pm
Can you verify that the Exchange Server group in AD is configured with the appropriate members? Also verify your configuration on your outbound connectors. Have you considered running the Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant? You can also run the Test-Mailflow cmdlet Test mailflow, including mail submission, transport, and delivery, from the System Mailbox on an Exchange Server to another Exchange Server or specified email address Ook
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April 8th, 2009 11:33pm
I suspect that something wrong with the first Transport server.Please check if Exchange related services (run Services.msc from a command prompt to open services manager) are running from that server.
Besides,we always can use ExBPA tool to find some error information.Regards,Xiu
April 9th, 2009 12:12pm
Is the Hub Transport server in the same IP Subnet and AD site as the mailbox and CAS servers?For Exchange to work properly a HUB, CAS and MBX server must be in the same AD Site.Can you get to a mailbox on 07 via OWA? Check that the services have started correctly.You could reinstall the Hub Transport Role on the server to make sure it is installed correctly.BP
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April 9th, 2009 5:35pm
* I checked the memberships are correct.* send connector should be ok, since i can send emails when i have the hub role additionally on mailbox role. the problem only happens when i have a single mailbox role with a seprate srever as hub role.* test-mailflow shows delievery failed as expected but even in verbose mode no detailed information.thank you for ur support, i hope that i figure out where the problem is....
April 10th, 2009 12:52pm
I have executed several times the BPA tools and always resulted to a full healthy environment:) i checked again and was ok.the services are all up and functional and as I mentioned before as soon as I have the hub role additionaly on mailbox role there is no problem at all. the problem only happens when i have two seprate servers for mailbox and hub role. how can i check if these two roles are communicating with each other?
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April 10th, 2009 1:50pm
Is there anything in the event logs?You can try to ping the Hub Transport server from the mailbox server and visa versa.Did you check the AD Sites and Services to verify the mailbox and hub transport servers are in the same AD Site?Any custom Group Policies being applied to the servers?What about GCs? What are you running for GCs and how many? What Version of Windows are you using 03 or 08? It could be DNS related. Have you tried to ping/tracert between the servers? Have you tried the mail flow trouble shooter?BP
April 10th, 2009 5:01pm
Dear Bardapony,1. Logfiles are all ok and no problem is recorded2. As I mentioned before there is full TCP/IP connectivity between servers and PBA doesnt find any issue here either3.All servers are belonging to same site and as I have mentioned before I have checked even manually in ADSI and all servers are having same atribute for site membership.4. there is no other policy other than default policy 5. GC is located on the only DC of domain (srv2008 with domain and forest functional level 2008)6. As I mentioned before all servers are running windows 2008 with most recent updates and all exchanges are 2007sp17. yes I can ping all servers from each other and there is no problem accordign to PBA either.
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April 11th, 2009 1:18am
All servers are part of the Exchange Servers Group?What happens when you go to the EMS and type test-servicehealth on the Hub Transport Server, Mailbox server?If you go in the EMC and goto the servers option do you see all the servers listed by Exchange? In other words is the Hub Transport Server being recongized.Not sure what else to think of in this without taking a deeper look into the actual environment.BP
April 11th, 2009 1:40am
Heya, Seems like a longshot, but I've seen other users experiencing this issue due to space limitations on the HUB server. Especially if you're running a test environment. Excerpt from: Technet: Understanding Back Pressure (Link ) When the back pressure limits for hard disk drive space utilization are set to their default levels, the hard disk drive that stores the message queue database on an Edge Transport server or Hub Transport server must always have a fixed amount of free hard disk drive space. In Exchange2007RTM, the amount of required free hard disk drive space is 4GB. In Exchange2007SP1, the amount of required free hard disk drive space is 500MB. If the available free space is less than the required amount of free hard disk drive space, the hard disk drive utilization level is considered high. Therefore, all message flow stops. In that case, you must follow one of these steps: - Relocate the message queue database to a different hard disk drive that has more free space. For more information, see How to Change the Location of the Queue Database . - Increase the values of the PercentageDatabaseDiskSpaceUsedHighThreshold , PercentageDatabaseDiskSpaceUsedMediumThreshold , or PercentageDatabaseDiskSpaceUsedNormalThreshold parameters. Seems like a winner, especially if you're experiencing intermittent issues on the HUB server. Article on how to change the location of the Queue database here: Ook
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April 13th, 2009 4:23am
@Bardapony:* All the servers are belonging to the exchange server groups* test-servicehealth command returns " all required services are running and healthy" on both hub role and mailbox role.The hub server is hosting now mailbox-role additionaly and mailboxes located on it are working properly.on mailbox server there is no other role installed (it is only mailbox) and the users of this server can not send emails.btw thank you for your helps, when i figure out where the problem is i will inform you guys.@Road ChiMP:on all servers i have about 25 GB free space, and once i have disbaled the BackPressure feature to assure that this is not the problem.Hub server should be really ok, as it is working fine for mailboxes which are located on the hub server.On mailbox server which is only hosting mailbox role and no other role the test users are experiencing the problem of not being able sending andrecieving emails.It is now really intressting for me, i really want to know what have i configured wrong. I have repeated the simulation several times (that is creating new domain, deploying exchange roles with same condition) but again and again users on mailbox role cannot send email. As soon as I install hub-role additionaly on mailbox role the users are able to send and receive emails. intresting :)regards,mt
April 13th, 2009 3:51pm
Move the mailboxes on that are on the HT/MB Server to the stand alone mailbox server. Remove the mailbox role from the HT and see what happens.Other thought would be to simply removed the HT role from the server, format it and create a new server with a new name and deploy it as a HT. There is a chance that something in your AD configuration relating to Exchange is causing the problem.BP
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April 13th, 2009 4:13pm
Please view this thread for a similar issue: OWA emails stuck in Drafts folder - Help Did rebooting the standalone HUB server ever temporarily resolve the issue? Also, I'm assuming that your Server builds on the HUB and Mailbox Server are identical? Ook
April 13th, 2009 5:41pm
ok, problem solved finally, thank you guys for your helps.The problem was that I was using a template of windows which was not having "/generalize" switch for sysprep!as a result hub server and mailbox both had same SID. such a basic mistake resulted to spening many hours for finding the problem:)regards,mt
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April 15th, 2009 1:02pm