disk disfragmenter
I've been trying to defrag my computer for a minute! and everytime i try a window always pops up saying
"disk defragmenter has detected that chkdsk is scheduled to run on the vol C please run chkdsk /f."
what should i do???
July 7th, 2008 9:53pm
This is a forum for Exchange Server questions, so you might have better luck using a Windows XP forum. However, I suspect if you reboot that Windows will check the disk on reboot and then you can run a defrag. Hope this helps!
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July 7th, 2008 10:13pm
It seems the current issue is Window system issue. Please understand that we mainly discuss Exchange issues in this forum. I suggest writing a post on the Vista forums, for your convenience, I have included the link below.
If you installed Windows XP, you can refer the following link for help.
I hope your issue will be fixed soon. Thanks,
July 8th, 2008 10:47am
Hi although this is for Exchange questions only, as this is a simple one i will attempt to answer it for you.
Goto Start > Run
type "cmd"
press Enter
in the command line window enter "chkdsk C: /R" (C: being the drive you want to check)
it will probably say that the disk is locked due to use and do you want to schedule one at next restart. press Y key
Reboot your PC (Note that the /R switch will do a full check of the drive and could take some time)
after this you should be able to defrag smoothly.
Hope this helps!
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July 8th, 2008 11:15am