Greetings All,
I currently have a mixed Exchange 2010/2013 environment. I have a user on the 2013 side that was in litigation hold and is no longer with the company. Process dictates that I export the mailbox to a pst and provide it to legal. I have sucessfully ran an edsicovery against the mailbox. When I try to export to a pst using the tool in EAC I get an error: "Export failed with error type: 'ExportFailedToRetrieveSearchConfiguration'. Details: The specified server version is invalid."
I ran all of this from the 2013 EAC. I'm not sure where to go from here. Bing isn't telling me much. Any ideas?
I was able to copy the data to a discovery mailbox and export to a pst using powershell, but it would be much easier to skip that step.