edge and hub on same domain?
I got a TMG server in same domain as my exchange 2010 (hub/client/mailbox) server and domain controller R2.
I have installed edge transport and fpe on the TMG server.
All on same lan.
1)Do I need to install Active Directory Lightweight Directory Service on the TMG/edge/fpe server if I will use edge subscription to have mailflow between edge and hub?
1a) Is edge subscription the right way to make mailflow in my setup?
March 1st, 2011 2:47pm
There is actually a pretty good article on that available:
TMG2010 supports having all the roles combined on a single device. If I'm correct the Edge will use the TMG's ADLDS
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March 1st, 2011 3:40pm
The Edge server is a role that is placed on the DMZ network and it should not be a member of the Active Directory. If you do not want to have any servers there you could just install the antispam tools on the hub transport server since you are already having
the servers on the same network and domain.
Exchange is a passion not just a collaboration software.
March 1st, 2011 4:32pm
Thanks for answers.
I had been over at isaserver.org several times but apparently I was to quick.
About doing edge install in DMZ or not, there is various opinion at isaserver.org.
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March 1st, 2011 5:43pm