email relay issues
Hello all,
having some issues with out exchange (or so we believe)
we continually get this same issue:
********** #5.7.1 smtp;550 5.7.1 <*****@****.com>... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed [***.***.***.***]
for the life of us, we cannot figure out what is causing this issue.
Any suggestions?
November 26th, 2007 10:28pm
Are you using Outlook connected to Exchange via anormal mapi connection?
Possible Causes:1. DNS lookup failed2. The sender of the message does not have the privileges required to complete delivery.3. You are trying to relay your mail through another SMTP server and it does not permit you to relay.4. The recipient might have mailbox delivery restrictions enabled. 5. Make sure you mail server is no on a spam list.6. If there are a lot errors and warning such as ID 104, 215 related to spam and virus in the Application Event Viewer of the Exchange server, you may need to restart the Exchange services.
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November 26th, 2007 10:47pm
I believe it to be the DNS lookup issue, but am not familiar enough with dns to make sure it is working properly.
it is in exchange using normal mapi, but does happen to a user using pop aswell
November 26th, 2007 10:51pm
hmm, you might try the message tracking logs. they can help. you can also look in the queues and see if the messages stay in there for a period of time.
If you would like, we can chat offline, i'm on IM at the email address in my profile
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November 26th, 2007 11:03pm
I think i may have to take you up on that offer. ive come into a situation where things were setup before me and i have no clue whats been done previously.
I appreciate all the help and find everyone on here has been more then helpful
November 27th, 2007 12:18am