error with run cmdlet Test-OutlookWebServices
This is a lab setup, in which I have Exch 2007 Sp1 and Rollup 1 all install on one BOX....Fresh Install
Everything seesm to function inc http: //OWA
but when I run this cmdlet
Test-OutlookWebServices -id
I get these error msg:
"...Object reference not set to an instance if an object.."
It does the cmd and completed ID=1003 & 1006 and then stop and errors out woth the above error msg...
This is a WS2008 OS...running Exchangf 2007 Sp1 x64
What am I missing on trhis fresh installl...?
December 2nd, 2008 3:05am
Any particular reason you're running Rollup 1? Exchange 2007 SP1 is currently at Rollup 5. I'm not saying that's the reason, but it could be a problem with Rollup 1.
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December 2nd, 2008 3:48pm
Issue description: Test-OutlookWebServices cmdlet displayed error info
Error: Object reference not set to an instance if an object
As Neil suggested, please Rollup the exchange in order to apply those latest hotfixes [Rollup 5]
Possible cause: You have installed .Net Frameworks 3.5 SP1 or 2.0 SP2
Resolution: Please follow this article to reinstall .Net Frameworks
Heres another fix for similar symptom which requires contacting with Microsoft
Check info:
1. After ran Test-OutlookWebServices, is there any error or warning in the application log?
2. Did OWA and outlook have the symptoms like in this thread? If yes, please try the troubleshooting steps in it
December 3rd, 2008 10:26am
Hi Magellan,
Please review my blog post on this topic for detailed information.
Also in the comments section of the blog post you can find recommended MS solution and reference article:
I ran into the exact same issue and had to uninstall .NET 3.5 SP1 and .NET 2.0 SP2 because the hotfix was not available at the time.
Hope this helps.
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December 7th, 2008 10:45am
Ikker,Perfect solution.....:-)hotfix seems far easier that reinstalling the .Net 3.51 sp1 STACKmucho gracis...!
December 17th, 2008 4:08am