event 9153 MSExchangeSA
I get the following error in the application event log every 13 minutes:
Code BlockEvent Type:ErrorEvent Source:MSExchangeSAEvent Category:General Event ID:9153Date:1/7/2008Time:11:33:24 AMUser:N/AComputer:LEISURE-MAILDescription:Microsoft Exchange System Attendant reported an error '0xc0072030' when setting DS notification.
I have checked a lot, and all points to error connecting to the Active Directory, or with a MAPI for Exchange 5.5
We don't have Exchange 5.5, and I doubt they ever had it installed here. (I have been working in this network for a couple of months)
Exchange 2003 is running on Native Mode. The domain in a single windows 2000 server (hopefully I will be fixing that soon as well)
what I am wondering is why it happens every 13 minutes.
Last week I fixed lots of problems with the DNS (servers had external addresses, so sometimes resolved internally and sometimes externally), now all have Internal DNS, and the DNS server has the correct forwarders.
I also disabled IMF (we have Antigen)
We had a lot of performance issued with this server and with all the "tweaks" and fixes it has improved a lot, but there are way too many changes to even have an idea what could have caused the error.
It is also possible this problem was always present, but did not show up until cleaning the network (I had problems with the master browser, and after cleaning the DNS and WINS I finally found the server that was set manually to be a master browser).
Any suggestions where I can look next to see if I can fix this error will be appreciated.
January 7th, 2008 7:54pm
I'm having the same problem. WOuld love to know if you ever got an answer.
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January 29th, 2008 10:51pm
The error dissapeared after I restarted the server. I am not sure what caused it, but it doesn't appear anymore.
February 1st, 2008 2:40am