exchange 2003 sp2
Dear all
I have a sbs 2003 with exchange 2003 sp2 (6.5.7638) I need to remove exchange from the server as it is no longer needed and the space on the system disk is running low (I have deleted all the user mailboxes) however when I go into add / programs there are
no entries for microsoft exchange, is the process to remove exchange from sbs server different from a normal windows server?
September 15th, 2011 5:03am
Is there an entry for Windows Small Business Server 2003? To add or remove components in an SBS installation, you should open your control panel to Add/Remove programs, and select Windows Small Business Server 2003. This will launch the integrated setup
wizard which will allow you to check and uncheck the components you wish to install or remove.
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September 15th, 2011 5:08am
Hi Mika_MCSE,
Any updates?
More information: "To remove Exchange Server 2003 from the Source Server, click Windows® Small Business Server 2003 in Add or Remove Programs. If you have an R2 box you are looking for the "non R2" line. Once the installer has
brought up the component screen, choose Exchange and then click Remove."
How to Remove the Last Legacy Exchange Server from an Organization in a SBS 2003 to SBS 2011 Migration
Frank Wang
Forum Support
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September 16th, 2011 4:17am
Hi Mika_MCSE,
Any updates?
Frank Wang
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 18th, 2011 9:52pm
I have see Windows Small Business Server 2003 in the in the add remove programs list, when I click on change/remove I get a wizard (welcome to sbs setup) I hit next a few times and then I get a windows configuration reading this will take approx 30 mins,
I was expecting a list of components and were I could select to choose exchange for uninstall, but this windows looks as though sbs will uninstall?
September 20th, 2011 7:30am
Hi mika_MCSE,
"Select Windows Small Business Server from the list of programmes and click
Change/Remove. Click through the wizard until your reach the
Components Selection page."
Please see this document:
Migrating from Small Business Server 2003 to Exchange 2003 Standard Part 2 – Configuring Exchange
By the way,if you still have issue to remove the Exchange 2003 from SBS 2003, I would suggest you seek the solution in the SBS forum:
Frank Wang
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 20th, 2011 10:54pm