exchange 2007 - wrong time 1 hour later
I have a time problem for my users on 1 of my exchange 2007 servers. When they receive an email, it's shown as 1:00 later. The topology is simple;
the dc is a 2003
2 exchange 2007 server with all default roles installed on a win2k8 64 bit server
First exchange 2007, no problem at all
Second exchange 2007 server, all users on this server are receiving emails correctly, but the wrong time is shown (1 hour late)
Both exchange 2007 have been installed the same way. All 3 servers have the same time, same regional settings, time zone, etc (checked it like 3 times)...the daylight checkmarked also. On the exchange that I have the problem, it happens even if the user
sends an email to himself. Service pack 3 installed on both exchange and the latest rollup have been installed on the problem one. I can't figure it out. If those users send emails to external recipients, it is fine. The problem is only when receiving emails,
not sending. Another thing is weird though;
If I do "net time" on the correct exchange, it shows me the time on my dc
ex; time on \\server is 2012-03-26 12:33
If I do the same command on the second exchange, it gives me a little bit more info, even though the time is correct;
local time (gmt-004) at \\server is 2012-03-27 12:33
We are using time zone -005 not 004, so I have no idea where this server gets that information. All my workstations, servers, etc...have the correct time, and time zone, with daylight savings enabled everywhere. I'm pretty sure the problem comes from the
gmt-004, but where the hell does he get that information? Even there, the time is correct.
For information purposes, there have been huge problems with another exchange 2007 (was the second exchange) that I had to uninstall manually from adsi, and this virtual server has been deleted, computer account removed from AD, etc...For this server,
I never we're able to make it work because of a name change, so we just restarted from scratch on another server.
Please advice
ps; please don't ask me to verify my regional settings, time zones, etc...It's all good.
March 26th, 2012 1:39pm
Well, you know what, it was my mistake. My second exchange server was not configured to adjust time automatically, the checkmark was not there. Even though I checked this a couple of time, I went too fast. Going in the properties of the clock, there is a
check box at the bottom that says "remind me 1 week.......", I was seeing this as the automatically update time, so never have red what was written, I assumed without reading.
After clicking on "change time zone", I saw that the "automatically update...." was not checked. Everything is fine now. I should start drinking cofee.
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March 27th, 2012 9:47am
Thanks for your update. It is nice to know the issue is disappears.
Just for your reference, you may apply the latest DST patch on all Exchange servers and client computers, and then reboot to apply the change:
Refer to:
Hope it is helpful.Fiona Liao
TechNet Community Support
March 29th, 2012 5:07am
Thanks for the url, I did make a search for the latest daylight update but I did not get this one in my quick search results. I know that I have not installed that update anywhere on the network so it's bizarre that only 1 server had this problem. Actually,
I had another problem after activating the "adjust time....", it would put 1 hour later. After, I would put the right time, and a couple of seconds later, it would put 1 hour later by itself. To resolve, I had to;
- disable the "adjust time..."
- put 1 hour sooner
- enable the "adjust time.."
After that, it stayed on the right time.
Thanks again for the URL, it should come in handy sometime.
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March 29th, 2012 9:24am