exchange 2007 imapi and loadgen issues!!
ok, to set the scenei have a fresh install of server 2008 on 2 boxes, one is the domain controller, dns, etc etc the other is the exchange server 2007when i try to run the loadgen on the server 2007 box it can create the mailboxes in the AD (so that part is all working!) but it for some reason, when you then run initialize it fails, it threw up an imapi error below.. ( this was for a 1 mailbox load)StoreBuilder.General Error: 0 : 23/10/2008 23:02:50 -- Diagnostic context (user: 'UE\E62D1B4E-LGU000000'):distinguishedName 'CN=MSX2007 E62D1B4E-LGU000000,OU=Mailbox Database,OU=First Storage Group,OU=MSX2007,OU=Users,OU=LoadGen Objects,DC=UE,DC=COM', exchServerDn '/o=Universal Export/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MSX2007', userDn '/o=Universal Export/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=E62D1B4E-LGU000000', mailNickName 'E62D1B4E-LGU000000', emailAddress ''.Engine.General Critical: 0 : 23/10/2008 23:02:51 -- Caught exception in executeTaskStub: Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionNoAccess: MapiExceptionNoAccess: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80070005, ec=-2147024891)Diagnostic context:......Lid: 12952 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 5Lid: 23065 EcDoConnectEx called [length=155]Lid: 28153 EcDoConnectEx exception [rpc_status=0x5 ][latency=31]Lid: 16280 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/aLid: 8600 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 5284Lid: 12696 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 2008-10-23 22:02:50:952Lid: 10648 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 2Lid: 14744 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: Status: 5Lid: 9624 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 1750Lid: 13720 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0Lid: 11672 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1Lid: 12952 dwParam: 0x5 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 5Lid: 19778 Lid: 27970 StoreEc: 0x80070005Lid: 17730 Lid: 25922 StoreEc: 0x80070005at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(St ring message, Int32 hresult, Int32 ec, DiagnosticContext diagCtx)at Microsoft.Mapi.ExRpcConnection.Create(ConnectionCa che connectionCache, ExRpcConnectionCreateFlag createFlags, ConnectFlag connectFlags, String serverDn, String userDn, String user, String domain, String password, String httpProxyServerName, Int32 ulConMod, Int32 lcidString, Int32 lcidSort, Int32 cpid, Int32 cReconnectIntervalInMins, Int32 cbRpcBufferSize, Int32 cbAuxBufferSize)at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiStore.OpenMapiStore(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid guidMailbox, Guid guidMdb, String userName, String domainName, String password, String httpProxyServerName, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag storeFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean wantRedirect, String& correctServerDN, ClientIdentityInfo clientIdentity, String applicationId)at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiStore.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, String userName, String domainName, String password, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag storeFlags, ClientIdentityInfo clientIdentity, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String applicationId)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.MapiCommon .MapiStoreUtil.<>c__DisplayClass2.<OpenMailbox>b__ 0()at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilter Catch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.MapiCommon .MapiStoreUtil.OpenMailbox(User user, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlags)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuild er.Builder.ensureMailboxStore(User user)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuild er.Builder.buildSmartFolders(User user)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuild er.Builder.BuildMailboxStore(User user)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.Outlook200 3Online.Outlook2003OnlineModule.InitializeMailboxT ask(Object state)at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.<>c__Displ ayClassc.<executeTaskStub>b__5()at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilter Catch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)i am running this is the a domain administrator, and i have also added the domain administrator to the org admin exchange role. so i think all the permissions are correctwhere oh where can i set the imapi part! its driving me up the wall! ( i have set that on the mailbox account bit if thats what ur thinking !)GP
October 23rd, 2008 7:05pm