exchange 2007 rules for indvidual user
Hell There,
our company CEO is receiving so many cv's from unknown users. is there any way i can block any email coming with CV or resume in subject or body to bock and put a replay to no send, from my exchange 2007 rules?. i know this can be done from outlook, but this
will not work when outlook is offline. so please advice if you have any idea. Thanks
what i need is to block any emails coming with with CV or resume..etc in the subject or email body, and send a automatic replay. also to make exclusion for the internal users.
please let me know if this can be done. Thank you
May 23rd, 2012 6:07am
I believe that a transport rule should do the trick:
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May 23rd, 2012 6:24am
I believe that a transport rule should do the trick:
May 23rd, 2012 6:34am
Yes, Exchange transport rule can help you to do that.
Use Exchange transport rule to do that, you no need to make Outlook online all the time.
Maybe you can use one rule like this:
Apply rule to messages
sent to CEO
and when the Subject field or the body of the message contains cv or resume
silently drop the message
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
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May 24th, 2012 5:21am
Thank you for your replay..
May 24th, 2012 5:37am