exchange 2013.
I have relay connector to allow our AS400 and various copier\printers to forward email through exchange.
if I go to mail flow-receive connectors and check on the relay filter, it shows Logging -On.
but when running powershell commands to track messages going out to particular email address, it does not seem to return any of the emails going through the connector.
emails our people are sending via outlook are showing up, but none of the emails through the connector do.
is there another place I need to turn on logging, or something additional I need to do?
below is example of my powershell command
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "03/01/15 00:00:00" -End
"05/19/15 23:59:59" -Recipient "" | select
sender, recipient, timestamp, messagesubject, totalbytes | export-csv