exchange backup
Since you have SBS, you probably ought to ask in the SBS forum since SBS comes with stuff not in the standard Exchange product, and backup may be one of the specials SBS has.
This reference should help you to develop Exchange disaster recovery procedures. I recommend that you develop and test them for your own organization.
Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."
June 21st, 2011 3:29pm
Hi Q porbably answered already but i am going to ask anyway
I have sbs2008 box with exchange 2007. If my exchange information store gets corrupted and or i need to recover a mailbox how do i do it. My options from backup are ither volume server or files
is it even backing up my exchange. backup 2003 had an ability to backup the information store
please help
ps i heard there was a plug in were and were and how do i use it
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June 22nd, 2011 7:00am