exchange server 2003 dsproxy.dll cannot be loaded
I am having a severe issue with exchange server 2003 loaded on W2k3 server. I cannot get the exchange store, mta stacks or system attendant to start. DsProxy.dll is required but cannot be loaded System Attendant error. If I could get
this loaded, all would be fine I think. . On reinstallation, I get "permission denied". I see this as a common error, but it is not as common as I thought because the registry key I need to fix does not allow me to access it even though I
have admin privileges. Confirm that the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup registry key has the required permissions. There are no DWords, keys or anything past Setup and I cannot add or change even though I have admin
June 13th, 2011 10:40am
Please post the entire event log message. You can use the handy-dandy copy-to-clipboard feature in the event log detail window to help you.Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."
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June 13th, 2011 9:08pm
You ask too many question in your case.
Let me analyze one by one
>>DsProxy.dll is required but cannot be loaded System Attendant error. If I could get this loaded, all would be fine I think.
According to your information, I just search event log.
If it isn’t correct, please correct me.
Source: MSExchangeSA
Category: General
Event ID: 2059
The DSProxy.dll is required but cannot be loaded, error 'c0070000'
There are two KB about this issue.
I don’t know whether you have read them.
You could try remove/install SP2/SP3 to solve the problem too.
You try reinstall exchange 2003 to solve the issue.
That is ok.
>>but it is not as common as I thought because the registry key I need to fix does not allow me to access it even though I have admin privileges. Confirm that the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup registry
key has the required permissions.
In fact, modifying register is not recommended.
I believe that to manually removed Exchange Server 2003 is the best way.
You could read this KB.
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June 14th, 2011 2:28am
I did resolve this by editing the registry. In the key I mentioned, I had to allow full rights to the everyone user account. When I did that, it allowed me access to the key. Once I had access, that was all I needed (I made no other changes) and
the DsProxy.dll would load, allowing the System Attendant to also load, which allowed the store to load. This is only the tip of the iceberg however, because it seems that a global restore is in progress because although I can access my OWA email accounts ,
I cannot send or receive email. I am also unable to remote into the server. I shall update this thread as soon as I find out what else may be going wrong. This whole problem can be attributed to the fact that because the local power company
blew a transformer down the street and my battery backup was not good. Updates coming.
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June 14th, 2011 8:44am
To too many people, remove, uninstall, delete, etc are the only answer. There is more to life than reinstalling! That is never going to give you an understanding of how or why! I want to know how to fix things without uninstalling and
then reinstalling. Sorry about the rant. The global rebuild finally finished. Now the only thing that will not load is the RESVC (Routing Engine). of course without this, email just piles up in the server. I am currently waiting
for a reboot to see if the server will actually start after all this. More updates coming.
June 14th, 2011 3:27pm