exchange server 2007 setup - readiness check problems
Hello All!I've got a windows server 2003 R2 enterprise edition 180-day eval version, build 3790 (service pack1). Tried to install exchange 2007 beta 2, but at the 'readiness check' I cannot fix the following problem:at the organization prerequisites I got the following error:ErrorThis computer is not running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later.As I said before it's already sp1 with all fixes up and running, it's just an evaluation version. How can I fix this issue? Any help is welcome.
October 12th, 2006 1:24pm
hey albi bacsi!
i got the same problem, that you have. I tried with Windows Server 2003 R2 SP1 Standard Edition (Hungarian version) up-to date @ today and I tried with Windows Server 2003 SP1 Standard Edition (Hungarian version) up-to date @ today. Does anyone know what the solution?
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October 12th, 2006 6:19pm
Can you please email me the XML data file that contains your scan results? I'd like to have a look at it and see what it came up with for the version info on your server. My email address is scott dot schnoll @ microsoft dot com (change the dots to . and remove the spaces).
October 15th, 2006 7:29pm