exhcnage 2007 Send connector Issue
hi, i have exchange server 2007 i created one send connector with my isp mail server which is on google during creation of send connector i have given basic TLS authentication with username:- xyz@mydomain.com and Password:- ********* problem is that when i send mail from any user via send connector to out side my domain i got mail from mail id like below zaki(xyz@mydomain.com) zaki is user of my exchange server as well as isp mail server it not shows email id of zaki kindly tell me how to resolve this problem
January 27th, 2010 3:04pm
Hi Jignesh, Please help me understand the issue little bit clear. You have Exchange 2007 Server. Your ISP is Google. Created Send Connector with "Mutual Auth TLS". Now You are Trying to Send an Email to External User through this Connector. Then you are getting an Email from zaki(xyz@mydomain.com) . Try to answer these questions. 1. Is Zaki one of your Mail Box Enabled Active directory user ? 2. Is Zaki's Email Address xyz@mydomain.com ? 3. Is this happening for all users ? Are all getting mail from Zaki (username@yourdomain.com) ? 4. Are you able to send that mail Successfully to external user ? 4. What email address you are expecting to show instead of Zaki ( as per the last 2 lines in your question ) ? But Just to check the basic Setting follow these articles. Ref to: Send Connectors http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998662(EXCHG.80).aspx How to Create a New Send Connector http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998814(EXCHG.80).aspx How to Use TLS Authentication in Exchange 2007 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee428172(EXCHG.80).aspx All the Best :)
Sathish Kumar Elango | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging | http://msexchangehelp.wordpress.com
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January 28th, 2010 12:28am
Hi Sathish,
I Have created send connector shown below :
New SMTP Sned ConnectorIntroduction
name : mydomain
select the intended for this send connector : customAddress Spaceadd ----->>> Type: SMTP Addresses : * click on : Including all sub domain
Cost : 1
Network Setting Route mail trough the following smart host ----->>>> add : Fully Qualified Domain name : smtp.gmail.comConfigur smart host AuthenticationBasic Authentication Basic Authentication over TLSUsername : xyz@mydomain.comPassword : *******Source server SRVEX ( My Local Exchange Server Name )Answer Of your Question ::
1. Zaki is Mail Box Enable User In My Active Directory2. Zaki's Email Adress Is zaki@mydomain.com
xyz@mydomain.com is Email Address Which is Given In Basic Authentication
3. Yes This Is Happening for All User
External User Get mail like this When i send it from Zaki
From : Zaki < xyz@mydomain.com >
To : jigssengg67@gmail.com (External user )
4. My Send Connector Working Properly5. i Expect that external user Get mail from zaki or any user of my domail like this
From : Zaki < zaki@mydomain.com > means it shows Email id Of That user who send the mail not xyz@mydomain.com which is shown in answer 4
To : jigssengg67@gmail.com (External user )
January 28th, 2010 12:07pm