I have the export log - I don't know what I'm looking for!!
Is there something exactly I should be looking for like a success statement
I don't want to publish it here it is quite long and has personal company domain info
Maybe a better question is how do you view a pst in outlook:
I'm using my outlook which is running live with my server
I go to File > Open > Open Outlook Data File > Point it towards newly created pst location > click open
This is where I see nothing in the inbox - but it really never opens another outlook screen because I can see everything (left side) that has my "name@domain.com" be it totals for inbox total (unopened mail),
deleted items, tasks, cabinet folder totals
Nothing for the person mailbox the pst was extracted from.
I was under the impression that a whole new outlook screen would be presented with the name of the person and all his email with deleted items and what ever folder he might have created.
Again anybody can add/help it would be appreciated.