exprofre error
I am trying to use the exprofre utility to point users using Outlook 2003 from an Exchange 2000 server (Exchange)in a 2000 Forest to an Exchange 2003 server (Exchange2) in a 2003 Forest. Both domains are setup to allow trust between them.
I am using the following text in a batch file to perform this action.
\\pap1\mailpst\test.bat /targetgc=2003DC /v /n /logfile=\\pap1\mailpst\exprofre.log
When I run the batch file I then receive this in my log file.
[13:17:04] ************** Beginning exprofre run **************[13:17:04] Starting exprofre on Windows 5.1.2600 at 13:17:04 08/20/08Target GC = "2003DC"Log File = "\\pap1\mailpst\exprofre.log"Read Only = "No"Rename Favorites = "Yes"Clear Outlook Nickname Cache = "Yes"Reset Offline Address Book = "Yes"Log Level = "Verbose"OST = "Rename"Update the profile based on a change of = "User Legacy Exchange DN"[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\profiler.cpp(283): wmain()[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(821): CheckOSVersion()OS version = 5.1.2600[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(835): CheckOSVersion()[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1143): IsProcessRunning()[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1176): IsProcessRunning()[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1143): IsProcessRunning()[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1176): IsProcessRunning()[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1405): IsMAPIDLLRunning()About to enumerate processes[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1462): IsMAPIDLLRunning()[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(845): CheckOutlookVersion()Registry key name = "Outlook.Application\CurVer"About to get default value for the key.Outlook version = "Outlook.Application.11"About to Close Registry KeyOutlook 11 is installed.[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(904): CheckOutlookVersion()About to CoInitializeAbout to MAPIInitializeAbout to get MAPI Admin Profiles[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(168): CMAPI::GetDefaultProfileName()About to get Profile Table.About to set columns to search.About to restrict the search.About to find row.About to get row count.About to query rows.Could not get PR_DISPLAY_NAME_WDefault profile name = "Outlook"[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(110): EncodeKey()[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(161): EncodeKey()About to free MAPI buffers.About to release profile table[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(337): CMAPI::GetDefaultProfileName()[13:17:04] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(1078): CMAPI::UpdateDefaultProfileProperties()About to get message service adminAbout to Open default profile sectionAbout to get profile propertiesProfile user = "/o=Pomerene/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=jhouseholder"Profile offline store path = "C:\Documents and Settings\jhouseholder\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\outlook.ost"Profile home server = "EXCHANGE"Profile home server DN = "/o=Pomerene/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE"Profile unresolved server = "exchange"Profile home server name FQDN = "exchange.2000domain"Profile config flags = "0x184"Display name = "Jeff Householder"Could not get PR_PROFILE_SERVERCould not get PR_PROFILE_SERVER_DNAbout to open registry key = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"Path to the Local AppData = "C:\Documents and Settings\jhouseholder\AppData\Local"[13:17:04] Error: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(1467): CMAPI::UpdateDefaultProfileProperties()"Could not get registry value"
About to free MAPI buffers.About to Release Profile SectionAbout to release message service admin[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(1756): CMAPI::UpdateDefaultProfileProperties()About to MAPIUninitialize[13:17:04] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\profiler.cpp(654): wmain()The default user profile and/or Outlook files were not changed
Any help would be appreciated,
August 20th, 2008 9:49pm
I have the same issue than you. Did you find a solution? If yes, which one please?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 13th, 2008 12:29am
The chances of anyone remembering this from a couple of years ago is a VERY long shot, however, running into the very same issue and really don't want to call PSS. Already been working on this for hours and hours and starting at ground 0 again with basic troubleshooters for a couple of additional days to get to the ones who know what's going on is last on my list. The issue I'm running into is IDENTICAL to the post above.The reigstry key exists, there's a value and the logged on user has full control over that key. This is a Vista 32-bit client; Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2010 server. Below is a copy/paste of the exprofre log file. (Identifies have been changed to protect the innocent.)[15:34:29] ************** Beginning exprofre run **************[15:34:29] Starting exprofre on Windows 6.0.6000 at 15:34:29 03/16/10 Target GC = "ourdomain.net" Log File = "c:\exprof.log" Read Only = "No" Rename Favorites = "Yes" Clear Outlook Nickname Cache = "Yes" Reset Offline Address Book = "Yes" Log Level = "Verbose" OST = "Rename" Update the profile based on a change of = "User Legacy Exchange DN"[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\profiler.cpp(283): wmain()[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(821): CheckOSVersion() OS version = 6.0.6000[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(835): CheckOSVersion()[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1143): IsProcessRunning()[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1176): IsProcessRunning()[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1143): IsProcessRunning()[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1176): IsProcessRunning()[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1405): IsMAPIDLLRunning() About to enumerate processes[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(1462): IsMAPIDLLRunning()[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(845): CheckOutlookVersion() Registry key name = "Outlook.Application\CurVer" About to get default value for the key. Outlook version = "Outlook.Application.12" About to Close Registry Key Outlook 12 is installed.[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(904): CheckOutlookVersion() About to CoInitialize About to MAPIInitialize About to get MAPI Admin Profiles[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(168): CMAPI::GetDefaultProfileName() About to get Profile Table. About to set columns to search. About to restrict the search. About to find row. About to get row count. About to query rows. Could not get PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W Default profile name = "Microsoft Outlook"[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(110): EncodeKey()[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\stdafx.cxx(161): EncodeKey() About to free MAPI buffers. About to release profile table[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(337): CMAPI::GetDefaultProfileName()[15:34:29] Entering: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(1078): CMAPI::UpdateDefaultProfileProperties() About to get message service admin About to Open default profile section About to get profile properties Profile user = "/o=SomeCompany/ou=San Diego/cn=Recipients/cn=IRES/cn=Users/cn=HLH/cn=TSmith" Profile offline store path = "C:\Users\tSmith\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\outlook.ost" Profile home server = "DUMMYEXEVS07" Profile home server DN = "/O=SomeCompany/OU=San Diego/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=DUMMYEXEVS07" Profile unresolved server = "DUMMYEXEVS07" Profile home server name FQDN = "DUMMYEXEVS07.corp.SomeCompany.net" Profile config flags = "0x1994" Display name = "Smith, Terry" Could not get PR_PROFILE_SERVER Could not get PR_PROFILE_SERVER_DN About to open registry key = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" Path to the Local AppData = "C:\Users\tSmith\AppData\Local"[15:34:29] Error: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(1467): CMAPI::UpdateDefaultProfileProperties() "Could not get registry value"
About to free MAPI buffers. About to Release Profile Section About to release message service admin[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\mapi.cxx(1756): CMAPI::UpdateDefaultProfileProperties() About to MAPIUninitialize[15:34:29] Leaving: f:\df7720\deployment\src\autoprof\profiler.cpp(654): wmain() The default user profile and/or Outlook files were not changed
March 16th, 2010 10:42pm
Found out some sad news. It appears there is a bug with ExProfRe on Vista & Windows 7 that produces this issue. Additionally, ExProfRe will *not* work in an Exchange 2010 environment. When it looks up the user info in AD, it retrieves the homeMDB value and parses out the server name to use. Well, due to storage groups being done away with in Exchange 2010, that messes up the parsing logic in ExProfRe. Have to revert back to the older ProfUpdt.exe tool (for now). It's crude & not as dynamic, but it *should* work.
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March 17th, 2010 4:46pm