finding out why an email was not delivered
I have an Exchange 2010 SP2 server receiving emails but some emails are not getting to my inbox. In the EMC I run :
Get-Exchangeserver | where {$_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $true} | Get-Messagetrackinglog -Start "5/9/2012 7:00 AM" -End "5/9/2012 5:00 PM" -EventId "Fail" -Recipients | Select-Object Timestamp,Clienthostname,eventid,source,sender,@{Name="Recipients";Expression={$_.recipients}},Recipientcount,serverhostname,SourceContext
I see:
Timestamp : 5/9/2012 10:52:03 AM
ClientHostname : email
EventId : FAIL
Source : SMTP
Sender :
Recipients : {,,}
RecipientCount : 3
ServerHostname :
SourceContext : Content Filter Agent
Timestamp : 5/9/2012 11:28:48 AM
ClientHostname : email
EventId : FAIL
Source : SMTP
Sender :
Recipients : {,,}RecipientCount : 3
ServerHostname :
SourceContext : Sender Id Agent
Timestamp : 5/9/2012 12:05:10 PM
ClientHostname : email
EventId : FAIL
Source : SMTP
Sender :
Recipients : {,,}RecipientCount : 3
ServerHostname :
SourceContext : Sender Id Agent
Timestamp : 5/9/2012 12:05:32 PM
ClientHostname : email
EventId : FAIL
Source : SMTP
Sender :
Recipients : {,,}RecipientCount : 3
ServerHostname :
SourceContext : Sender Id Agent
Timestamp : 5/9/2012 12:09:09 PM
ClientHostname : email
EventId : FAIL
Source : SMTP
Sender :
Recipients : {,,}RecipientCount : 3
ServerHostname :
SourceContext : Sender Id Agent
I check the smtpreceive logs in:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive\RECV20120509-1.log
and the messages say queued mail for delivery but they are not delivered. I just turned on Quarantine messages with SCL rating greather than or equal to 6 so at least when this happens in the future the email should be in the mailbox I designated.
In case you are wondering the message is addressed to a distrubition group.
So where did these emails go? Why does the smtpreceive log say queued for delivery but the EMC command says FAILED?
May 9th, 2012 3:53pm
If these mails has been routed to your exchange server, and finally they can't been route to mailbox successful. I think these messages will stay at undelivery queue. So you first should check the queue. You can use the queue viewer to check.
Smtp log record the connect state between server and server, message tracking log record
the process of mail delivery in
the internal server. So they are not the same.
hope can help you
TechNet Community Support
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May 10th, 2012 4:15am
Run a report for the e-mail/domain. The could be many reasons such as server down, closed port 25, non-existing e-mail or alias.
May 10th, 2012 8:51am
So some e-mails get delivered correctly while others do not?
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May 10th, 2012 3:46pm
Most emails do get delivered. However we are having difficultiy receiving emails from As you can see the email gets to the server. However when I run:
Get-Exchangeserver | where {$_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $true} | Get-Messagetrackinglog -Start "5/9/2012 7:00 AM" -End "5/9/2012 5:00 PM" -EventId "Fail"
| Select-Object Timestamp,Clienthostname,eventid,source,sender,@{Name="Recipients";Expression={$_.recipients}},Recipientcount,serverhostname,SourceContext
The messages show as FAILED. I can not find why they failed.
May 10th, 2012 6:36pm
In the EMC->tool mailbox->message tracking
open it and go to options, see all option->mail control-?delivery report. Try to find
Why your mail delivery failure?
hope can help you
TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 11th, 2012 2:37am
It was right in front of me. Oh well.
Thank you for your help.
May 11th, 2012 3:08pm
You blocked
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 11th, 2012 4:31pm
I'm curious at to what the problem was. Thanks.
May 14th, 2012 11:17am