formula doesnot work


I am using a formula here,


This formula does not work properly. here are numbers in column Q and Date in column C,G and F.

Please help,


March 26th, 2015 1:42pm

When I use this formula with the help of other cells it gives correct answer. I use  "=IF(G10<>"",G10,F10)" in column AC10 then I use

"=SUMPRODUCT((SALARY!$AC$10:$AC$1026>=C10)*(SALARY!$AC$10:$AC$1026<=EOMONTH(C10,0)),SALARY!$Q$10:$Q$1026))". The result is, though most of the time but not always similar when it is used as


please help.

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March 27th, 2015 11:54am

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