Yes create transportule with the sender is located " outside the organization" and the recipient is..
and do the following add recipient as cc or bcc or to..
As Sneff_Gabor said, you can create a transport rule. Just note that add one recipient to the To field or carbon copy (Cc) field of the message, the original recipients can see this recipient. Add recipients as blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients. The original recipients aren't notified and can't see the Bcc addresses.
Here is an example to Bcc this message:
New-TransportRule -Name "Forward External message" -Enable $True -FromScope "NotInOrganization" -BlindCopyTo "Username" -Priority "1"
Best Regards.
OK, this helps.
But I will be specific: I need that all messages sent from "NotInOrganization" ONLY TO mailbox User1@domain.com forward to CarbonCopy User1@domain.com and CarbonCopy User2@domain.com.
So I need to forward not all messages, just the messages sent to one specific mailbox - to that mailbox and to another one.
not "or"