START Sub send_ics(vtype,vcalendarname,vidx,vemailto,vdummy1,vdummy2,vdummy3) 'vtype : "LR", and more for future purpose if IsValidEmail(vemailto) = "True" then Dim sarrtmpstorage(10), icssql, icsrs, sstrbody, sarrvalue(5), CDOMail sstrbody = "" icssql = "" sarrvalue(0) = "False" sarrtmpstorage(0) = "" 'From Email Select Case vtype Case "LR" sarrtmpstorage(1) = "Leave Schedule from HDES" 'Subject icssql = "SELECT * FROM lr_hdr WHERE lrh_idx = "&savenumeric(vidx)&"" Set icsrs = conn.execute(icssql) if icsrs.EOF = "False" then sarrvalue(0) = "True" sarrvalue(1) = icsrs("lrh_leave_date_from") sarrvalue(2) = icsrs("lrh_leave_date_to") sarrvalue(3) = icsrs("lrh_for") if get_lr_reason_info(icsrs("lrh_reason"),"lrr_desc") <> "" then sarrvalue(4) = get_lr_reason_info(icsrs("lrh_reason"),"lrr_desc") else sarrvalue(4) = "Leave Request" end if end if End Select if sarrvalue(0) = "True" then sstrbody = sstrbody & "BEGIN:VCALENDAR"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "VERSION:2.0"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "PRODID:-//HDES//Leave Request//EN"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "METHOD:REQUEST"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "X-WR-CALNAME:"&vcalendarname&""&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "X-WR-TIMEZONE:Asia/Hong_Kong"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "TZID:Asia/Hong_Kong"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Hong_Kong"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "BEGIN:STANDARD"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "TZOFFSETFROM:+0800"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "TZOFFSETTO:+0800"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "TZNAME:HKT"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "DTSTART:19700101T000000"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "END:STANDARD"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "END:VTIMEZONE"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "BEGIN:VEVENT"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "DTSTAMP:"&generate_timestamp(now,"Z")&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "UID:"&generate_timestamp(now,"Z")&"-"&generatestring(10,1)&""&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Hong_Kong:"&generate_timestamp(hkdateformat(extractmysqldatetime(sarrvalue(1),"date")),"")&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "DTEND;TZID=Asia/Hong_Kong:"&generate_timestamp(hkdateformat(extractmysqldatetime(sarrvalue(2),"date")),"")&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "SUMMARY:"&sarrvalue(4)&" ("&getuserinfo(sarrvalue(3),"fullname")&")"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "DESCRIPTION:"&sarrvalue(4)&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "END:VEVENT"&chr(13)&chr(10) sstrbody = sstrbody & "END:VCALENDAR"&chr(13)&chr(10) Set CDOMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") CDOMail.Subject = sarrtmpstorage(1) CDOMail.From = sarrtmpstorage(0) CDOMail.To = vemailto CDOMail.TextBody = sstrbody CDOMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2 CDOMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = SMTPHost 'SMTP Server CDOMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25 'Server port CDOMail.Configuration.Fields.Update CDOMail.Fields.Item ("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type") = "text/calendar; Content-Dis; charset=utf-8;\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=""utf-8""" CDOMail.Fields.Update CDOMail.Send Set CDOMail=nothing end if end if End Sub END
generate .ics file
I am writing a program from my software to generate an iCal .ics file to post to Microsoft 365 Calendar but having difficulty in 2 areas: 1) I want the .ics file to include a time frame e.g. 09.00-13.00 hrs, and 2) I want when the .ics message is issued
to a specific e-mail address of our client, we would like the message to automatically post to their Microsoft 365 calendar. I have tried to change METHOD:REQUEST to METHOD:PUBLISH but this then doesn't allow the User to make a subsequent change. Any help
would be appreciated
July 5th, 2015 4:03am
Hi Raju,
Instead of an iCal file, have you tried using the Office 365 Calendar REST API? See and for more details.
- Edited by Venkat Ayyadevara (Microsoft) 8 hours 44 minutes ago
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July 5th, 2015 6:44pm