get-receiveconnector say exchange group missing
We are running Exchange 2007 Standard
Occasionally when navigating through the Exchange Management Console the following error pops up. The window title is "get-receiveconnector" and it says 'ERROR: The exchange group with GUID "3f965b9c-f167-4b4a-936c-b8efb19c4784" was not found. This group gets created during setup, but it has been deleted.'
what i do now pls tell me any one except exchange reinstall.
April 19th, 2008 9:52pm
Did someone deleted Exchange Legacy InterOp group in Microsoft Exchange Security Groups Container? If yes, please check following steps and FINALLY run Setup /PrepareAD
Steps are:
1. Open ADSIEDIT.msc
2. Right click properties on CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<Domain>,DC=<>
3. In ATTRIBUTES list, drill down to and check attribute with name as otherWellKnownObjects and notice if there is any 0ADEL and the deleted objects container.
4. Finally run SETUP /PREPAREAD switch. It is automatically created if any requried groups are missing.
NOTE: If you find this workable, please reply back.
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April 20th, 2008 4:54pm
Thanks for u r support my friend i am chacked as u r followed but that problem not solwed, there is no any 0ADEL. so pls tell me that on 4. Finally run SETUP /PREPAREAD switch .whichsetupexchangesetuporanyotherplstellmeiam waithing for u r message thanking u my friend
April 20th, 2008 9:10pm
Using Exchange Server DVD, to run Setup /PrepareAD switch.
Let me know the out come of the result. Also, send me the application Event logs.
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April 21st, 2008 7:29pm
Hi Bala, I also have the same problem. Even exchange won't let me create receive connector. I tried your instructions: Right click properties on CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<Domain>,DC=<> When I right click properties on CN=Microsoft Exchagne Security group. I'm missing CN=services?? Any suggestion on this?? BJS
February 6th, 2010 8:03pm