I like to know how many databases you can create in acces?
2- how many GB of data support has acces?
3- is acces has also command line support as sql or it is only GUI based?
4- in which smal bussines situation you can use acces?
Technology Tips and News
I like to know how many databases you can create in acces?
2- how many GB of data support has acces?
3- is acces has also command line support as sql or it is only GUI based?
4- in which smal bussines situation you can use acces?
1) You can create an unlimited number of databases in Access.
2) Each database has a maximum size of 2 GB, but you should keep the size well below that.
Access 2010 specifications for more details.
3) You can control Access completely using macros and/or VBA code. (Access does have command line switches but they have a limited purpose)
4) Access is an excellent too for business solutions in which the number of simultaneous users is limited (say up to 10 users entering/editing data simultaneously). For larger numbers of simultaneous users, it's better to use a SQL Server database as backend, with an Access database as frontend.
1- if I learn acces can I also work with sql expres or they are different from each other?
2- how you can manipulte 2 Gb database maximum size ,is there a some way to make it more larger?
3-I see sql has instances , does acces has also instances? and what means exactly instance in data base ,can you give me a little example? very short explanation is enough.
4-acces 2013 has more GB support for database than 2010 ?
1) Access can function as a frontend to a SQL Server (Express) database. There are some differences - for example Access doesn't support all data types from SQL Server.
2) The 2 GB limit is "hard", you cannot change it. If you need more, use a SQL Server database as backend.
3) One instance of SQL Server can run a large number of databases. Normally you wouldn't need to run multiple instances of SQL Server.
If a user wants to open multiple Access databases on the same computer, each database will be opened in a separate instance of Access. The number of instances of Access is only limited by available memory.
4) No, the limit for Access 2013 is the same as for Access 2010.