how to cancel seeding?

i'm trying to make a database copy healthy, issued a manual seeding but cancelled it. now i can't issue further commands related to the index as the error messages says a seeding is in process. the active database is healthy but crawling.

how does one cancel an interrupted seeding?

July 5th, 2015 3:55am

Removing the new mailbox database copy should leave things just as they were before you started. Do you get an error message if you try to remove it, as per this Technet article ?
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July 5th, 2015 6:21am

hi, as per the article, no i don't have any errors. DAG and active copy of the database are healthy.

if i remove this passive copy, and the active copy is crawling, will it affect the new database copy's index state?

July 5th, 2015 6:45am

It shouldn't, since the Microsoft Exchange Search service is running locally on each mailbox server holding a DB copy, updating locally the content index files (I don't have a link to a Technet article describing this though). However, once the copy is removed, you'll be left with your mounted DB, and the DB+content index files on the mailbox server that hosted the copy you just removed.
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July 5th, 2015 7:01am

ok. i'll remove the passive copy, clean it up (remove the .edb and log files), then redo the copy.
July 5th, 2015 7:05am

before i remove the copy, i thought of resuming the databasecopy. however i got the below error message:

WARNING: A server-side administrative operation has failed. Couldn't resume the database copy because a database seed
operation is in progress. Either cancel the seed or retry later. [Database: DB01, Server:

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July 5th, 2015 7:18am

Can you try Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy DB\Server -CancelSeed ? According to the parameter description here, "The CancelSeed switch specifies whether to cancel an in-progress seeding operation."
July 5th, 2015 7:28am

when i removed the database copy (from EAC and then remove the files and folders associate with the database), and redo the databasecopy, the queue length started from where it left.

i was hoping the -CancelSeed would allow me to resume the database copy so that the queue length goes down. i believe the queue length will stay high until database copy is done?

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July 5th, 2015 10:39am


Please refer to Albert's suggestion to cancel an in-progress seeding operation.

More detailed information,please refer to the link:



July 5th, 2015 9:55pm


not yet, since i removed the database copy from server02, and started a new database copy, i have to let the process finish first.

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July 6th, 2015 12:31am

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