CAS load balancing is done using either an external load balancer (in your case), Windows NLB or round robin DNS. MBX high availability is provided by a DAG which relies heavily on the Windows Failover Cluster.
In your case, both a CAS and a DAG member failed but you report that the load balancer was pointing at the remaining CAS server, CAS 01 so in this case, we can focus our attention on the DAG.
In a two node DAG, you must have a witness server to provide a third quorum vote which can be any other server as the witness server is just a file share. For the DAG to stay up, you need to have two of the three voters online all the time. You may have
lost two voters of the three voters when the blade server went down if your witness server was on the same blade server. To find out what your witness server is, use the below command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Status | fl name,*witness*
More info here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd351226(v=exchg.150).aspx
If this shows that the witness server was on the same blade server as the MBX server then you should either move the VM off or move the witness server using the command:
Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Identity DAGName -WitnessDirectory D:\witness -WitnessServer Server1
More info here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd297934(v=exchg.150).aspx
Also, on the MBX servers, check the failover cluster logs to find out if the cluster lost quorum during the failure. Check the application logs to find out if the databases failed over or not and also check the system log check to see if any of the services
(especially the information store) failed during this time.
The other thing to check is that you have multiple mailbox database copies. Setting up a DAG doesn't mean that the databases are highly available. You need to have at least two copies of each database that you need to be up in case of a MBX failure. To do
this, run the below command:
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Identity DB1
More info here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd298044(v=exchg.150).aspx
If you don't have mailbox database copies set up then you'll need to add them using Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd298105(v=exchg.150).aspx).
Once done, mailbox databases will fail over in case of a mailbox server failure.
The last thing you should do is check that the cluster is configured correctly. Run the validate cluster wizard from the failover cluster manager and check the output. Ignore the alerts about storage as Exchange doesn't require shared storage for DAGs.
Let me know if this answers your questions.