I bought Microsoft Office 2010 and installed it on my desk top. My desk top is crashing so I would like to reinstall it on my new laptop using the product key that I received, so I can transfer my files. How do I do this. I don't want to purchase software all over again.
As far as I know, if you have both of installation source and product key, we can just install Office on the new laptop, and put in the product key to activate it. Please see this thread, and I copied the reply here:
Only one one type of MS license is transferable to new computer. It is known as a FPP license. Typically you get a FPP license by buying the Retail (big ugly ecologically insensitive, mind bending) Yellow Plastic box With the CD in it. You can also get FPP licenses electronically, but you have to ask for them specifically and pay a little more.
Other MS licenses include:
- MLK (Medialess Key) ie electronic download,
- OEM, preinstalled by manufacturer.
- PKC, Product Key Card
These licenses are typically sold at at discount from the retail price.
You have to figure out what type of license you have.
If you have a FPP license, to transfer it, you simply uninstall it from the old machine and install it on the new machine. In theory, internet activation should be automatic, but you may have to phone activation and explain to the service rep. During install and activation you are given option of doing internet or phone activation.
So without further investigation you could simply do the uninstall, install and see what happens. If you have to do the phone activation the SR will explain to you that the product key does not quality for transfer.
If you want more info on the types of product keys check out this link:
Product Key Card vs Traditional Retail disk -http://www.microsoft.com/oem/en/products/office/Pages/office_2010_sell.aspx===
Hope it's helpful.
George ZhaoTechNet Community Support