is impersonation possible through IMAP?
Dear Experts
Is it possible for an administrator user to read the mails of other users using IMAP protocol?
I have done it using WebDAV, and I think this is also possible using web services, but I dont know about IMAP.
Requirement is this:
I am writing an IMAP mail client and I want to traverse through directories of all users. I have the list of users with me but no password.
But I have the aministrator user details (and password) with me. How can I do an impersonation via IMAP?
January 21st, 2011 4:10am
If you are using exchange 2003 SP2 or exchange 2007/10 you can user the journaling for these user, have a look into these articles : , ,,
do let us know if more details are required. Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
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January 21st, 2011 5:32am
Thanks, I went through the journaling mechanism ( but this does not seem to be a straight forward solution.
This involves forwarding every email to a particular folder and then fetching from it (which may not be acceptable as per some organization policy).
Any other thoughts? Or am I mising something in journaling ?
January 24th, 2011 2:47am
In case of journaling the user how will receive mail will have access on the mailbox but on the server end & user for which it enable will not notice this at all & its a exchange feature, I don't know ur company policy but I thing its will
working fine in you scenario. Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
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January 24th, 2011 5:04am
In case of journaling the user how will receive mail will have access on the mailbox but on the server end & user for which it enable will not notice this at all & its a exchange feature, I don't know ur company policy but I thing its will working
fine in you scenario. Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
January 24th, 2011 5:04am
thanks for the quick reply, any other thoughts about how to achieve this?
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January 24th, 2011 7:10am
Which version of exchange is it?? if its exchange 2010 then we can user discovery mailbox for this purpose :, Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
January 24th, 2011 7:50am
Right now I have exchange 2003, but will be upgrading to exchange 2007 later.
So the solution should work for both :(
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January 25th, 2011 12:21am
If you are using exchange 2003 SP2 or exchange 2007/10 you can user the journaling for these user, have a look into these articles : , ,,
do let us know if more details are required.
Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
if I enable journal or discovery-mailbox features
1) will the mails going there preserve the user directory information also? For example can I distinguish between a mail in SentItems and a mail in 'work' folder?
2) Will there be two copies of mails always ? One in user mail box and one in journal folder?
January 27th, 2011 3:35am
The mail in sent item will have user ID as in from field & rest will have the same in to field & there will be two copy of mail but there is not journal folder it will a mailbox to which these copy will be forwarded.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 27th, 2011 5:05am
I was searching for IMAP impersonation for administrator in msexchange and came across these interesting links
January 28th, 2011 1:18am