laser mouse issues
I bought the microsoft bluetooth notebook mouse 5000 about a year ago and it has worked great for me, having to do nothing except change the batteries a few times. Just yesterday i turn it on and it doesn't control the mouse on screen anymore...Vista says it is connectedand to be sure i have re-connected it a couple times, restarted my computer several times, and reinstalled the latest driver a couple times. Nothing is working. then it hit me that there is normally a red light coming out of the bottom (laser mouse). There is NO LIGHT! Did my laser break? I've never heard of this happening, especially after only a year. Anyone have this issue before? Is there a way i can fix this? Please respond
March 20th, 2009 5:25am
Hi,I suggest you contact the retailer for help. This is Exchange Server forum. For hardware issue, you can wirte a post on our hardware newsgroup:,Elvis
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March 20th, 2009 1:27pm