1. I have active directory users lets say 1,2 till 500, i need to generate a report for these active directory users who has last logged on to my exchange server, i am using exchange 2013. I want to generate by their user accounts not displayname.
2 i am trying to generate a report for user who has last logged on to his email.
When i use the command below command, lastlogontime is empty but the user has emails wht does this mean.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-MailboxStatistics test@mydomain.com
DisplayName ItemCount StorageLimitStatus LastLogonTime
----------- --------- ------------------ -------------
test 5
am with "TheLearner007" can u also run the following command export the result on CSV file (excel)
Get-Mailbox |Get-MailboxStatistics | Select DisplayName, LastLoggedOnUserAccount, LastLogonTime, LastLogoffTime | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | Export-CSV c:\1\mailboxsLastLogOn&Off.csv
If this user never logon his mailbox, and someone send messages to this user. Then this phenomenon will appear.
And you can use Search-Mailbox cmdlet to search this mailbox and copy the results to a specified target mailbox to check.
Here is the command to export the report.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySmtpAddress,@{label="LastLogonTime";expression={(Get-MailboxStatistics $_).LastLogonTime}} | Export-csv C:\LastLogonTime.csv
Best Regards.