mailbox statistics

Hi everyone

1. I have active directory users lets say 1,2 till 500, i need to generate a report for these active directory users who has last logged on to my exchange server, i am using exchange 2013. I want to generate by their user accounts not displayname.

2 i am trying to generate a report for user who has last logged on to his email.

When i use the command below command, lastlogontime is empty but the user has emails wht does this mean.

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-MailboxStatistics

DisplayName               ItemCount    StorageLimitStatus                                                 LastLogonTime
-----------                         ---------      ------------------                                                              -------------
test                                     5

May 20th, 2015 7:57am

The user has never logged on to his mailbox with his own credentials, try to login with users credentials are anyone who has full mailbox permission on that users mailbox then try to run the command.
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May 20th, 2015 7:59am

u mean i am logged on to my pc with my test1 account and i am opening  the mailbox of user test.
May 20th, 2015 8:06am

Yes even that can give you the details
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May 21st, 2015 7:31am


am with "TheLearner007" can u also run the following command export the result on CSV file (excel) 

Get-Mailbox |Get-MailboxStatistics | Select DisplayName, LastLoggedOnUserAccount, LastLogonTime, LastLogoffTime | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | Export-CSV c:\1\mailboxsLastLogOn&Off.csv

May 21st, 2015 12:05pm


If this user never logon his mailbox, and someone send messages to this user. Then this phenomenon will appear.

And you can use Search-Mailbox cmdlet to search this mailbox and copy the results to a specified target mailbox to check.

Here is the command to export the report.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | select-object PrimarySmtpAddress,@{label="LastLogonTime";expression={(Get-MailboxStatistics $_).LastLogonTime}} | Export-csv C:\LastLogonTime.csv

Best Regards.

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May 22nd, 2015 4:13am

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