managed by pb
Here my config:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition x64 - R2 Version 5.2.3790 ServicePack 2 Nu 3790 - Type x64
Microsoft Exchange Environnement: Exchange Server 2007 Microsoft Corporation - Version : 08.01.0263.000
I am trying to use the managed option.
In fact I have problem with my sub domain. which doesn't allow me to modify the users. I do see the user I pick as owner but can not apply the add/remove...
I already did run the shell command:
Add-ADPermission -Identity <name of distribution group> -User <name of user> -AccessRights WriteProperty -Properties "Member"
and also check the option and right on the Active Directory. Could you please tell me what is going on and help me to solve the issue??
May 20th, 2010 4:58pm
Is your distribution group a Universal distribution group?
Check that and if not then make it Uiveral.
Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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May 20th, 2010 5:25pm
Yes it is.
May 20th, 2010 5:37pm
Side note: the managed by option do work when the owner is not part of the subdomain. It seems like users belonging to the subdomain are having issues. I also created a distribtion group on the subdomain and I could not make the managed by working. Graig
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May 20th, 2010 6:05pm
Is any of your sub domain DC also a Global Catalog? If its not then this could lead to the problem u r facing.
See this post:
A post from above link says:
I have solved the problem by configuring the sub-domain DC as additional Global Catalog. Now it contains a full set of all objects in its own domain ,that is
writable for users from the same domain. Before this change we have had one GC for each site ,that belonged to the parent domain.
and the last post says:
If the domain of the GC is different to the domain of the user or the
distribution group then they can't change anything because the GC
doesn't have a writable copy of the group
Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
May 20th, 2010 6:12pm
"Is any of your sub domain DC also a Global Catalog?"
--> Yes we have a GC in the "main" domain and a GC in the subdomain
But as your link seems to be interested. I will check some stuff on the sub-domain GC first and will get back to you.
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May 20th, 2010 11:51pm
I ran some test:
- If I create a DG on the MAIN DOMAIN:
1) A user fom the same MAIN DOMAIN can add/remove members as owner of the DG
2) A user belonging to the SUBDOMAIN canNOT add/remove members, exept if I follow the below step:
, and then click
In the
box, type
, and then click
Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider
You may have to create the registry path.
On the
menu, click
Add Value
, and then add the following registry value:
Value name
: DS Server
Data type : REG_SZ (string)
Value data : FQDN of the global catalog server
Quit Registry Editor. If Outlook stops responding after you set the closest global catalog server or set a specific global catalog server, Outlook
returns to the DSProxy process on the Exchange 2000 server and requests a new referral. The following are two possible limitations if you configure Outlook to a specific global catalog server:
- I did create a DG on the DUBDOMAIN:
1) User belonging to the same SUBDOMAIN canNOT add/remove members.
I Do have GC on both domain the main one and the sub one). And need to admint that I am getiing now very confused.
If you could clarify/ help me out to solve that issue I would really appreciate it!.
May 21st, 2010 12:17pm