meeting change not reflected in room mailbox

We are running an Exchange 2013 SP1 with latest updates, most of the clients use Outlook 2013 on Win 7/8 machines.

Now we have a shared mailbox called "reception" that organizes all of the meetings, multiple receptionists have full access to the mailbox. All receptionists also have "Owner" access to all Room mailboxes' Calendars.

All receptionists are instructed to create meetings under the "reception" mailbox, so all meetings are organised and owned by "reception".

If an receptionist creates a meeting in Room1 from let's say 1PM-2PM, everything works well.

But when she decides to move the meeting in time, delete or move it to different room, the change is not reflected in Room's Calendar, she can still see the unchanged meeting in the Room's Calendar.

All Room mailboxes are set to AutoAccept.

Any Ideas ?


November 20th, 2014 5:15pm

I've narrowed the problem down to 2 room mailboxes that:

get all the updates when looking right into the mailbox via OWA, but, strangely ignore them completely.

These are "legacy" room mailboxes that were renamed quite a few times due to reorganisation of room names, so I'm inclined to believe renaming a room mailbox in Exchange 2013 with active meeting in it's calendar was not such a good idea after all.

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November 20th, 2014 8:09pm

Tried OWA under the receptionist's user, exactly the same behaviour. Outlook is in online mode, recreated the profile didn't help either.

Strangely when I acquire owner rights and change the meeting in "reception" calendar, the change is reflected in room's calendar within seconds. The same change under receptionist's user (no matter if Outlook or OWA) does nothing.

November 21st, 2014 2:09pm

get all the updates when looking right into the mailbox via OWA, but, strangely ignore them completely.


According to your posting, I am not quite sure about it. Do you mean the updates are received by room mailbox but not be updated in Calendar?

Generally, if you change the meeting room from RoomA to RoomB, the meeting should be removed from RoomA calendar and shown in RoomB calendar. If the removed meeting is still shown in RoomA calendar, please check if the changed meeting is shown in RoomB calendar or not.

I also noticed that the problematic room mailbox is renamed, please send a new meeting request instead of a meeting updates to check whether the meeting can be reflected in room's calendar.


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November 21st, 2014 2:14pm


an example:

I have a meeting set up in Room1 for 1PM-2PM.

Meeting organiser is "Reception" (the shared mailbox)

Receptionist A (with full access to "Reception" mailbox and the reception:\Calendar folder) changes the meeting:

Room1 2PM-3PM

When I connect via OWA to Room1's mailbox  I see an e-mail from "reception" with the update (1PM-2PM >>2PM-3PM), but the meeting still shows as 1PM-2PM in Room1's calendar when viewed via Outlook/OWA under any user...

November 21st, 2014 2:34pm

also, I shouldn't see the mail with the update in Room1's inbox, since all processed meeting requests/updates should be deleted afaik.

But I see a lot of e-mails in Room1's inbox, so I'd say there's something wrong with calendar processing on the Room1...

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November 21st, 2014 2:41pm

also, I shouldn't see the mail with the update in Room1's inbox, since all processed meeting requests/updates should be deleted afaik.

But I see a lot of e-mails in Room1's inbox, so I'd say there's something wrong with calendar processing on the Room1...

It is so strange. Does the issue only happen to two specific room mailbox? Please run the following command to check the calendar processing:

Get-CalendarProcessing room1 | FL


November 21st, 2014 2:45pm

strange indeed, here's CalendarProcessing for Room1:

RunspaceId                          : 27b1e489-b572-48b7-a5c0-1e53ac5451f9
AutomateProcessing                  : AutoAccept
AllowConflicts                      : False
BookingWindowInDays                 : 1080
MaximumDurationInMinutes            : 4320
AllowRecurringMeetings              : True
EnforceSchedulingHorizon            : False
ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours         : False
ConflictPercentageAllowed           : 0
MaximumConflictInstances            : 0
ForwardRequestsToDelegates          : True
DeleteAttachments                   : True
DeleteComments                      : True
RemovePrivateProperty               : True
DeleteSubject                       : False
AddOrganizerToSubject               : False
DeleteNonCalendarItems              : True
TentativePendingApproval            : True
EnableResponseDetails               : True
OrganizerInfo                       : True
ResourceDelegates                   : {}
RequestOutOfPolicy                  : {}
AllRequestOutOfPolicy               : False
BookInPolicy                        : {}
AllBookInPolicy                     : True
RequestInPolicy                     : {}
AllRequestInPolicy                  : False
AddAdditionalResponse               : False
AdditionalResponse                  :
RemoveOldMeetingMessages            : True
AddNewRequestsTentatively           : True
ProcessExternalMeetingMessages      : False
RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False
MailboxOwnerId                      : xxx
Identity                            : xxx
IsValid                             : True
ObjectState                         : Changed

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November 21st, 2014 3:04pm

Some more testing and more headache :)

The problem seems to be user related:

User A: can request meeting impersonating the "Reception" shared mailbox, edit times, move between rooms, everything works as expected even in "problematic" Room1 mailbox 

Receptionist1: can request meeting impersonating the "Reception" shared mailbox, add any room, it gets accepted. But when editing the meeting (shift the time, move between rooms) all requests end up in Room's inbox and are not processed. Tested on multiple room mailboxes, all behave like this

Receptionist2: the same behaviour as Receptionist2

Only difference between User A and receptionists is that User A doesn't have "Send As" permission on the "Reception" shared mailbox.

further tests revealed that basically:

User that has "Send As" - his/her meeting edit are simply ignored by room mailboxes

User that doesn't have "Send As" rights can edit meetings freely, Room mailboxes are instantly updated.

Grant/Deny "Send As" works as a switch - tried multiple times back and forth...

November 21st, 2014 5:59pm

Update after more testing:

The "Send As" permission on the shared mailbox only works on some users, when denied on the receptionist's mailbox, it has no effect, so this isn't obviously the root cause.

In the meantime, I tried moving the room and arbitration mailboxes between databases as suggested here:

it didn't help (I know the post is about 2010, just wanted to give it a try...)

Any Ideas?

Anyone ?


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November 25th, 2014 7:11pm


Please check the update request e-mail in Room1s mailbox, and view the From field of this update request. Please confirm the updates request was send from Receptionist1 or "Reception" shared mailbox.

Please remove all related permission for Receptionist1 and Receptionist2. Then re-add the following permission:

a. Full Access permission to "Reception" shared mailbox:

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity Reception -User Receptionist1 -AccessRights FullAccess

b. Send As permission to "Reception" shared mailbox:

Add-ADPermission -Identity Reception -User Receptionist1 -ExtendedRights "Send As"

c. Reviewer permission to Room1:

Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity\Calendar -User Receptionist1 AccessRights Reviewer

Then Receptionist1 opens Reception Calendar in Outlook, make changes in the calendar and send updates. Check whether the issue persists.


November 26th, 2014 2:48pm


yes the return-path in the unprocessed mail in Room1's mailbox shows, exactly as the processed requests in Deleted Items.

Tried to remove and re-add all the permissions, still no change...

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November 26th, 2014 4:52pm


I have made the same configuration in my test environment and give the same permission as my posting above. The calendar processing can be processed properly for meeting updates.

Since the issue only happens to two specific users, I suggest we can create a new mailbnox for this user and give the same permission to new mailbox. Then check wehther the issue persists. If the issue doesn't happen to new mailbox, please export the mailbox content from the problematic mailbox to this new one and delete the problematic mailbox as a workaround.


November 27th, 2014 8:08am

Sorry for the delay, I've been busy lately.

Anyway tried deleting and recreating the troubled account and the issue still persists. There is a slight change for the better though: any "new" meetings created by the re-created user can be freely moved around, but all the "older" meetings already in calendars show the same symptoms: The re-scheduling mail arrives in room's mailbox and gets stuck there, no auto processing gets done...

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February 2nd, 2015 2:28am

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