Hi everyone.
So ive been tasked with two small assignments, and ive managed to get the first done fairly easy, the second is making my head hurt.
task 1 was: Give me the number of recieved e-mails on our callcenter shared mailbox in a given time period.
That can be handled with something as simple as:
[Int] $Received = 0 Get-messagetrackinglog -recipients <email> -start (get-date).addhours(-48) -end (get-date).addhours(-24) -EventID Receive |ForEach { $Received++ } Write-host "Emails Received:",$Received
Which i then can output to a html or email to the appropriate callcenter manager.
Task 2 is what i find complicated....: Give me the number of mails we have not answered within 24 hours from the list above..
So say we receive 24 mails in the last 24 hours, he wants to know how many we haven't answered of those mails within 1 day.
The emails are Sent As of the call center, so they do not appear in the original recipients messagelog, as far as i can tell, but from the individual callcenter employee. Filtering on the message subject can be troublesome. since i cant be sure (infact im positive) there wont be messages with the same subject. I suppose i could filter on the sender, but im kind of clueless as to how to go by this in a smart way.
Is it even possible to do this in powershell, or am i looking at a third party solution? Any comments are appreciated
- Edited by DarkingDK Monday, August 17, 2015 12:23 PM Mistype